Blog Giveaway: United Colors Of Benetton (CLOSED)

I feel like we’re always in search of that perfect scent because it’s such an integral part of how we want to present ourselves. It’s one of the first things people notice when we first meet them and probably one of the most lasting impressions we make on them. I for one am very particular with the perfumes I use. It’s never about the brand but always about the smell. I’m more attracted to light and feminine scents just because strong and overpowering scents are a little too mature for my taste. If you’re like me, you’ll most probably like United Colors Of Benetton’s latest fragrance called Let’s Love.

O diba, pangalan pa lang, sweet na sweet na! True to its name, Let’s Love has such a romantic scent. It’s a mix of irresistible floral scents of passion flower, star jasmine and lily of the valley, accentuated by fruity scents of  a fleshy pineapple, glassy raspberry & joyful bamboo sap. Before you think that this scent is too girly for your taste, there’s also cashmere wood, cedarwood and caressing musk added into the mix to balance everything out. Actually, when I first got a whiff of this, I immediately imagined a young girl ready to play the game of love and seduction. It really has that attractive quality to it. Little tidbit about Let’s Love: the perfumer for this scent is Emilie Coppermann, the same woman responsible for Givenchy’s Play and Play for Her perfumes and Sonia Rykiel’s L’eau de Sonia Rykiel, among many others.

Of course, since United Colors Of Benetton also has a line for men, it’s just fitting that Let’s Love has a male counterpart. Let me introduce to you, Let’s Move, specially formulated for young men who are always on the move. You know how men lead such an active lifestyle? Well, most men at least. They’re into sports and they just can’t keep still! Here’s a perfume that can keep up with them. It’s a combination of an energetic citrus cocktail of bergamot and mandarin, spiced up by black pepper and strengthened by cedarwood. There are hints of amber, Tonka beans and vanilla too. Now, I’m no guy ((sana naman), but I think girls can tell too if the guy’s perfume is okay or not. I mean we’re the ones who smell them (whether intentionally or unintentionally), right? In my opinion, this one’s a winner! You know those perfumes for men that are sooooooooo painful to smell they sting so bad? This one is so far from those! It’s quite gentle and delicate, in a masculine way of course. Wouldn’t you want your girl to cling to you like crazy because you smell sooooo good? You do? Well, this giveaway is for you.

For you too, girlies!

I’m giving 3 lucky readers a set of Let’s Love + Let’s Move perfumes each. Want to know how you can join? Read on and follow the mechanics below.

  1. Follow me on Twitter and Bloglovin’. If you don’t have these accounts, it’s easy to make one!
  2. Leave a comment below with your name and Twitter name.
  3. Tweet this: ”Win United Colors of Benetton perfumes Let’s Love for women & Let’s Move for men! Visit to join! #ItsCamilleCoGiveaways”

So easy right? This contest is open to Philippine residents only. Deadline for entries is on October 29 at 11:59PM. As usual, no multiply entries please. I’ll be choosing the winners via and announcing who they are here on my blog, so please do check back from time to time. Good luck everyone!

**For those who want to know where else they can get Let’s Move and Let’s Love, these fragrances are available at all Fresh Fragrance Bar stores nationwide and leading SM Watsons Department Stores.

567 Responses to “Blog Giveaway: United Colors Of Benetton (CLOSED)”
  1. itscamilleco

    Congratulations to the following:

    Vanessa Elaine Tianco
    Sarah San Felipe
    Claire Sereno

    Kindly check your direct messages on Twitter! :)

  2. Fatima Jasmine Gonzales

    Name: Fatima Jasmine Gonzales
    Twitter Name: @Fatima_Jasmine

  3. Ma. Franchezca F. Dayrit

    Name: Ma. Franchezca F. Dayrit
    Twitter ID: @franzdayrit

  4. Emma Smith

    I love simple scents also I don’t like overpowering scents.

    Emma Smith @counselorette

  5. Julianne Retuya

    Name: Julianne Krizzia Retuya
    Twitter: @jkretuya135
    Really hope i win!!!!! I love ur website!!!!

  6. inah tricia del rosario

    Name.. Inah tricia del rosario
    Twitter name,, triciadelrosari
    eeeee O:-)

  7. Alleyson Laurice R. Rabino

    name: Alleyson Laurice R. Rabino
    twitter name: @LauriceAlleyson

  8. Trish Camille ♥ (@trishlozanxx)

    name: Trisha Camille B. Lozano
    Twitter name: @trishlozanxx

  9. Ayra

    Those perfumes seems very fitting to the active lifestyle of people nowadays. :)

    Name: Joanna Ayra Dalisay
    Twitter name: @ayradalisay

  10. anestesia melati

    name : anestesia melati s. devi
    twitter name : @menameismel

    hi camille, your blog is enlivening :)
    God bless!

  11. Kastne Justine S. Martin

    Name: Kastine Justine S. Martin
    Twitter username: @kastinejustine

  12. Mikhaela Gabrielle Ramirez

    Name: Mikhaela Gabrielle Ramirez
    Twitter: @mikakzomoonstar

  13. Julie Ann Carmel B. Nacar

    Name: Julie Ann Carmel B. Nacar
    Twitter: @julieanncarmel

  14. Nickha Denisse G. Pineda

    Name: Nickha Denisse G. Pineda
    Twitter name: @nickhapineda

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