Unleash Your Creativity

Tic Tac–I feel like I’ve known and loved this brand since forever. Before I even learned what mints were, I was already shaking Tic Tac at home, thinking it was some toy. I’m sure you’re all familiar with that signature Tic Tac rattle I’m talking about, not to mention that flip top flap sound it […]


Shopping Madness

If you’re a shopaholic and there’s just no saving you, then you’ve got to at least be wise about it. Avail of membership or rewards cards and look out for special promos so that you get to shop more with less guilt. Trust me, I should know. I belong to a family of master shoppers […]


Plan Ahead

Living in the digital age tends to make us forget the beauty of writing the good old fashioned way, which is why I appreciate little reminders such as this Megaworld Lifestyle Malls 2015 planner. It gives me a reason to once again start jotting down not just my schedules and reminders, but my thoughts, ideas […]
