Part Ways

Center slits are tricky things. They’re striking as ever but make one wrong move and you’re sure to give the world a show. (And no, it’s not the kind of show you’d be proud of.) So what’s a girl in a skirt with a center slit supposed to do? You can’t walk around a paranoid […]


Unleash Your Creativity

Tic Tac–I feel like I’ve known and loved this brand since forever. Before I even learned what mints were, I was already shaking Tic Tac at home, thinking it was some toy. I’m sure you’re all familiar with that signature Tic Tac rattle I’m talking about, not to mention that flip top flap sound it […]


Wind In My Hair, Sand Beneath My Feet

Us girls and our cravings–it’s a deadly relationship. We crave, we pig out and then when the time comes to hit the beach, we regret. It’s a never-ending cycle, one that my girlfriends and I always seem to find ourselves in. So what do I do aside from regretting ever succumbing to my delicious cravings? […]
