Fill It Up

Throwback to an old style post while I prepare my next travel series for you guys! As you can see, my hair still hasn’t transformed to that of a unicorn’s so these were from a while back. By a while back, I mean waaaaaay back in 2016. I wore this to my shoot for Early […]


Earn It

How would you like it if I tell you there’s a way for you to get your money back when you shop? No, I don’t mean returning the item you bought–nor am I about to go all devil’s advocate on you and teach you illegal tactics. I’m talking about a legitimate way of actually getting […]


Take It To The Streets

When you scroll down the very end of this post, you’ll see the photo of me risking my life just a little. I don’t know what got into me but I just thought, “hey, wouldn’t if be cool to get in the middle of this busy street and pose there?” At first, it seemed like something […]
