Travel Diary: La Sagrada Familia, Barri Gòtic And More

I’m back! I wasn’t able to update my blog for a few days. For this, I apologize. But really, I just wanted you to miss me a little and for me to miss my blog as well. I believe one has to go on this little breaks, you know? Else, it can get pretty tiring and […]


All About The Benjamins

Let’s take a break from the Pronovias posts first, shall we? I thought I’d build the suspense up a bit more before I show you the beautiful gowns from the fashion show. For now, here’s another outfit post from Barcelona. I wore this to a half day tour around the city that Sandy booked us in, which […]


It’s A Hair Affair

You may not want to admit it, but I’m sure you care more about your hair than you’re willing to admit. And why wouldn’t you? Your hair contributes greatly to your appearance and a bad hair day can be a major buzz kill. Yes, this may sound superficial but it’s the truth and you know […]
