Be The Next Face Of SM Beauty and Get A Feature On Preview!

Have you ever dreamed of becoming a model, seeing your face all over stores and getting dolled up for a shoot to be featured on one of the country’s top fashion magazines like Preview? If it’s a resounding YES that I’m hearing from you then read on below! Your dreams just might become a reality! […]


Skate Park

I never knew this side of Orchard existed in Singapore! There’s a skate park right behind the posh Orchard road. How cool! Since my outfit looked like something a misfit would wear, I thought this backdrop is totally perfect for my last outfit post from Singapore. (Yes, there’s another one. I almost forgot about this outfit […]


Forever Summer

I’ve got my turban on which only means one thing, I’m feeling a little boho tonight! Why? Because that’s what it says on the invite! It says to come in summer-themed, boho chic attire because Closeup has something fun and exciting to launch. Hmmm what might that be? Read on! The Closeup launch party was […]
