Off To The Tropics

The sun is up, the heat is on, summer is officially here. What does this mean? More trips to the beach and other summer getaways! So don’t just get your summer outfits ready, make sure you’ve got a stylish bag to log with you that screams, “HEY SUMMER! I’m ready for you!!!!” The one I’m […]


White Knight

I found my white knight (in shining armour). Now before you start thinking I’m finally talking about my love life or a tall, handsome boy sweeping me off my feet, let me burst your bubble right now. I’m actually talking about my new baby–Sony Xperia Z5 in classic white. Although it’s quite handsome as well […]


Travel Diary: Osaka Castle

Finally back in Osaka after touring around Kyoto and Nara. We really intended to make this city our last stop so that we can enjoy a free and easy schedule. Compared to Kyoto, Osaka doesn’t have a lot of tourist spots–the most famous one is probably already Osaka Castle which is what you see below. […]
