Lady Spring


In a few hours, I’ll be flying back home to Manila and I can not be more excited about this. Don’t get me wrong, traveling to Europe is one of my favorite luxuries in life but with my unread email count now at 1,408 and more, add to that the nonstop text messages I’ve been getting about work, there’s a lot of things waiting for me back at home. If only I can put everything on pause just so I can stay here a bit longer, I would.

But life just doesn’t work that way. Why God? WHYYYYYYY??!


As I write this post, it’s already close to 4am here in Barcelona. I’m extremely tired since I just got back from Florence so forgive me if I just let these photos speak for themselves. My brain has turn to mush and I’m pretty sure nothing good will come out of it even if I try. Probably only jibber jabber.


I can manage to tell you, however, that these photos were taken many many months ago when I had that shoot at Fernbrook. I didn’t want the nice scenery to go to waste so I took photos of my outfit of the day as well. I’m sure a lot of you will ask me where I took these photos so I thought I’d share that little information with you to save some trouble. Off to bed I go!


[button link=”” size=”small” bg_color=”#e5b3b9″ window=”yes”]Hype this look at here[/button]


Cotton On denim top 


Rampage Shop vest


Chanel bag 


FFAQ shoes


Robinsons Department Store leggings

75 Responses to “Lady Spring”
  1. tumirino

    Hi) you very stylish…. tell please from what brand these leggings???****

    • itscamilleco

      Thanks Tumirino! :) The brand is credited on my blog post :)

  2. Ann

    Where robinsons did u buy ur leggings? Sorry cause theres a lot of robinsons :)

    • itscamilleco

      Oh I only received it as a gift so I wouldn’t know but I’m sure it’s available at Robinsons Manila, Galleria and Magnolia at least :)

  3. Alyssa

    You’re so fabulous, I can’t even……I just love you, period. :)

  4. k.dc.96

    heeey! love your outfit! i for me, its really hard to find leggins with nice prints on them, but i love those! :D just wondering, i have never seen you smile with teeth before, why is that? but if you don’t want to answer the question, its fine! you still look nice with that smile! :D

    • itscamilleco

      I do! They’re just not a lot because I always end up choosing the ones without haha! So weird. :)

  5. yanyan

    I have the same shoes only in black..and people are always jealous..haha :D

  6. Sephie Rojas

    OMG I’m making bawi right now since I was at Phuket, Thailand for a week and I haven’t been reading your blog posts since I left! D’: I’m seriously gonna read all the posts I missed in your blog! :< Bawi mode on! Btw, I remember you wearing those booties in a pair of short shorts and a tie-dye top before, haha! Really love the watermelon pink-ness of those booties! <3

    • itscamilleco

      Wow! You remember! :) Ahhh Phuket! I wish I can go back! Some day :)

  7. zyra

    Hello ms. camille :) I dare you to do the 1000 pesos fashion challenge, pls accept it, to see or to know how even when budgetting, you’ll even find a perfect fashion outfit in low cost/price.. thanks :)

    • itscamilleco

      Insert emoji with smiling eyes and rosy cheeks here!

  8. athena

    you look so pretty! and as i reader/fan i wanna thank you for blogging even if you’re dead tired already. mwah! :))

  9. Lyka

    Love the look, ms. Camille! :) i have a question, just need advice for my humble small blog. Teehee. You’re blog reached popularity in a span of a year right? How were you able to do it? Did you advertise a lot or do people just really come to your blog? Hahaha! Hope to hear from you soon, ms. Camille!

    • itscamilleco

      I don’t know how haha! I just linked it to my Lookbook and Chictopia :) That was it! I think you just have to maintain your blog properly then everything else will just follow. Keep people interested!

  10. Trisha

    That is probably the cutest boots and the coolest leggings I’ve seen! Soooo pwetty! =)))

  11. Simone Souza

    The place is amazing for taking pictures!
    And I must confess I’m not a huge fan of Lita Boots, but you knew how to make it look romantic and sweet! Something that’s the real opposite of these kind of boots!
    Once again you surprise me!
    You look awesome!

    I have a new post on my blog. Check it out:

  12. judy

    lovely top and paired with super nice leggings it turns out pretty well!

  13. Crestin

    Wow… Nice outfit miss Camille.. I really love your style..keep it up!:)
    I’m one of your SILENT Follower :)

  14. Vina Guerrero

    <3 <3 <3 your style is really awesome!! keep on inspiring us!

  15. Kay

    Hello Camille,

    We really appreciate your effort for posting this and I’m glad you keep updating your blog despite you’re on vacation. Mahal mo talaga kami! Aaawww! hahaha! By the way what’s the brand of your leggings? I hope you didn’t forget to take photos of your outfit during your vacation? hahaha! ;)

    • itscamilleco

      Yes I did! With much difficulty though. Mom was very much challenged by my Olympus. A lot of FAIL moments haha! But I hope I find a few blog-worthy photos. Fingers crossed!

      Unfortunately, I don’t have my leggings with me now.I think from Liberte?

  16. Char

    Love this outfit so much! Those shoes give it a pop of feisty/cuteness :)


  17. beatrice gases

    hope you get some rest soon :D you deserve it anyway you are so hardworking :D

  18. Lyn

    You have good taste with every clothes you wera. I love how you mix and match it. How come you can come up with those good ideas? I wish I have them too! :)


    • itscamilleco

      Thank you Lyn! You can too! All you need is a little imagination! Practice makes perfect. :)

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