Travel Diary: Falling In Love With Seville

I don’t know how travel bloggers manage to not post a gazillion photos every time they blog about a city as charming as Seville. It took me another day to select these photos but I still ended up with 37 of them. Needless to say, you’re in for another one of my photo-heavy travel diaries. […]


Plaza De España

My friend Sandy and I wanted to squeeze another city in before we wrap up our Spanish escapade. Since we were already in Madrid, we decided to take a day trip to the beautiful city of Seville which is just 2 hours way by AVE train. Boy, was the trip worth it! Every corner of […]


Cool As Can Be

This has got to be one of my most comfortable outfits ever. No cropped top in sight so I can inhale and exhale as I please. No slim-fitting bottoms so I can move around freely. And most importantly, no painful (but gorgeous) stilettos so I can walk around as much as I want without the […]
