Cali Girl

Just when I thought I can pretend to be a Cali girl for a day, the sun decides to play hide and seek and sends gloomy skies and winds my way. But the ever so stubborn me stood my ground, held my head up high, and stuck with my sexy summer dress. I even brought […]


Red And Pink

Here’s a color combination I definitely recommend–red and pink. If you’re the type to shy away from styling bold colors together, you might want to give this a try as your first step. Unlike other bright and loud colors, pink and red don’t overpower each other because they come from the same color family. So […]


Travel Diary: Shopping, Food And Entertainment At Guam

Prior to my trip to Guam, there’s one constant thing I’ve always heard about the place–it’s every shoppers’ ultimate shopping destination. Basically everyone around me has been gushing about how insane the deals are in this shopping paradise because everything here is tax-free. So when Guam Visitors Bureau invited me for Shop Guam Festival (SGF), […]
