The Alps

Sorting through my photos from Switzerland and I just can’t contain my excitement any longer. The view is heavenly. The mountains always feel like they’re a stones throw away.  I still have a few blog posts to make before I get to these photos so I wanted to give you a sneak peek for now. […]


Nothing Is The Same

I’m finally back from my trip to Switzerland! I apologize for the lack of blog posts the past few days. I got swept away by the beauty of Geneva and Lausanne. And now, I’m about to join the Sinulog festivities here in Cebu. Nevertheless, I made sure to make a quick blog post today because […]


New Arrivals

As I read through my earlier posts, I just realized I no longer post product shots of all the random things I’m currently loving or testing out. I kind of miss posts like those–I call them breather posts. They give you guys a break from my usual outfit posts. Since today is a Sunday, I’m […]
