A Home Between Phobijka And Punakha

Traveling across Bhutan isn’t for the weak. Aside from having to adjust to a higher altitude, a lot of time is spent on the road–roads that are not as well-developed as we’re accustomed to. It can sometimes feel like it’s a never-ending merry-go-around, having to drive around in circles making our way up and down […]


Palace Of Bliss

On our fourth day in Bhutan, we made our way to Punakha Valley which was previously the capital of Bhutan until 1955. Although it is considered to be one of the warmest valleys in the country (due to its lower elevation of 1200m above sea level), it was still super cold. I don’t know how […]


Down-To-Earth Bhutan

As mentioned in my previous post, Gangtey has two luxury hotels–one is Gangtey Goenpa Lodge where we stayed and the other is the Amankora Gangtey. Although I prefer Gangtey Goenpa Lodge’s authentic feel, there’s no denying the latter’s appeal. It’s modern minimalist aesthetic (as seen in the first nine photos below) can make anyone feel […]
