I’m Summer Ready

Whenever summer rolls in, I get more and more allergic to the thought of sleeves and basically anything long. Aside from obvious reasons based on fashion trends, it’s just more comfortable and practical to wear less cloth. LOL! The heat can get  unbearable especially here in our country! The only things welcome in my summer […]


I Can See Through You

It’s scorching hot but I’m still able to wear a long sleeved blouse. How? Wear a little sheer number like this! This sheer blouse is from Chicago-based brand ZAMRIE. The brand is the brainchild of designer Ashley Zygmunt who trained under Zac Posen and Peter Som in NYC. When I browsed through her collection, I noticed that most of […]


Pink Sparkles

Do you see them? Do you see the sparkles? How about now? Both my top and skirt are covered entirely in sequins. But even so, I surprisingly don’t look like a giant disco ball. I no longer run the risk of blinding people. LOL! No safety hazard here! Both my top and skirt are actually […]
