Part Ways

Center slits are tricky things. They’re striking as ever but make one wrong move and you’re sure to give the world a show. (And no, it’s not the kind of show you’d be proud of.) So what’s a girl in a skirt with a center slit supposed to do? You can’t walk around a paranoid […]


Wind In My Hair, Sand Beneath My Feet

Us girls and our cravings–it’s a deadly relationship. We crave, we pig out and then when the time comes to hit the beach, we regret. It’s a never-ending cycle, one that my girlfriends and I always seem to find ourselves in. So what do I do aside from regretting ever succumbing to my delicious cravings? […]


Olive And Gold

Silk and leather make one hell of a sexy combination. Even though they’re total opposites when it comes to texture and the way they fall, it still makes perfect sense to wear them together. I guess it’s because nothing screams luxury more than these two. Put them in metallic hues and you’ve got yourself a winner! Usually, […]
