Don’t you just hate it when the shoebox that came with your shoes are either too big or too small they eat up so much space in your cabinet? Or when the shoebox is already too flimsy and tattered it looks like a rat lived in it? Well. you can always throw these shoeboxes away and just store your shoes on a shoe rack or inside a cabinet. But then again, they can get dirty easily and molds might even form. Eww. Solution? Acrylic shoeboxes from Howards Storage World! They’re my preferred shoe storage solution! I swear i love these shoeboxes! First of all, no more time wasted opening and closing each shoebox, desperately looking for that pair of shoes. No more worrying over shoes getting dirty and deformed on your shoe rack or inside your cabinet. Acrylic shoeboxes are convenient and not to mention, chic too!!! You don’t even need to hide them inside cabinets! Just stack them up and voila!

Howards Storage World acrylic shoeboxes come in 2 sizes–small for flats and shoes with shorter heels (priced at PhP 599.75); and large for sky-high heels, boots and giant wedges (priced at PhP 999.75). Because I love you, dear readers and care deeply about your shoes, I’m giving away 5 small acrylic shoeboxes each to 4 readers!!!! Here’s how you can join:

  1. Follow me on Twitter and Bloglovin’.
  2. Like Howards Storage World on Facebook.
  3. Leave a comment below with your name, Twitter name and answer to this question: “Why do you deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes?”
  4. Tweet this: “I need to win those acrylic shoe boxes on! #ItsCamilleCoGiveaways”

Contest is open to Philippine residents only. Deadline for entries is on May 30, 2012, 11:59 PM. No multiple entries please. Entries will be shortlisted based on the answers. Out of the shortlisted entries, winner will be chosen via Good luck everyone!

FYI, Howards Storage World is available in Shangri-La Plaza Mall, Robinsons Ermita and soon at Greenbelt 5.

P.S. To my big blog giveaway winners, I am SOOOOO sorry for the delay. It’s just taking me a little longer to compile everything, please be patient with me. I just got a little too busy the past few weeks. Please don’t hate me. :(

192 Responses to “Blog Giveaway: HOWARDS STORAGE WORLD (CLOSED)”
  1. Chrisine de Leon

    Christine de Leon
    “Why do you deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes?”
    I deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes because I love my shoes and I want to secure them, and always keep them organize, howver to be able to do this I will need a shoeboxes that has an excellent quality and that will last a very long time, and I know exactly that those are shoeboxes from Howards Store World. :)

  2. Jennifer Gutierrez

    Name: Jennifer Gutierrez
    Twitter: mrs_gee1969
    I need to win the Howard shoe storage because I am an organization fiend who has been on the lookout for the perfect shoe organizer to house my teenage daughter’s footwear that are perennially on her bedroom’s floor. My search finally ended when I chanced upon the acrylic shoes containers at Howard’s last year but when I returned to purchase them, they were no longer in stock. Winning the 5 sets would jumpstart the collection of more acrylic boxes to accommodate her growing shoe collection.

  3. jen lapis

    name: jen lapis
    Twitter name: michmichelene
    I deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes because I am in dire need of an awesome, pretty yet super organized set of shoeboxes for my shoes! Wouldn’t want to waste them just by leaving them to rot and gather dust ;)

  4. Gelli Mae Maramba

    Name: Gelli Mae Molina Maramba
    Twitter: @jdbshawty

    Why do I deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes?

    I deserve the Howard Storage Shoeboxes World because I’m trying to be practical. I love shoes every girl does but I hate germs that accumulate when you put everything in one place. So this will probably do the trick. When I’m in a hurry I hate having a hard time looking for the other pair of shoe so I hope I win this =)

  5. camille

    Facebook: Vintagekawaii Onlineshop
    Twitter: @quiam

    I deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes because our messy place needs a quick makeover. We are five female cousins living in a small apartment. It is hard for us to store our things due to limited space. Right now, we just try to fit two pairs of shoes in one carton box. This deforms our shoes but we don’t really have a choice. These pretty shoeboxes would greatly help us improve our lives when it comes to organizing stuff. It is very convenient for on-the-go ladies like us. Moreover, the chic designs would be a beautiful replacement to the our old eyesore shoeboxes.

  6. Sadel fauni

    Name: Sadel fauni
    Twitter: @creamhearts
    I deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes because i want it sooo bad! My shoes are getting full of dust and i have to clean it from time to time. If i will win those shoeboxes it would really save my life! I could also share this to my sister because i know she needs it as well. Not everybody has the moolah (money) especially me, to buy those shoeboxes and i would be very happy to have my hands and shoes in those. :)

  7. Mary Elaine Lagmay

    Name: Mary Elaine Lagmay
    Twitter name:@maryelainel

    Why do you deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes?

    I deserve to win because I want to turn my unorganized shoes into clever storage which Howards Store World has.With this shoesboxes, I can now protect my shoes and store them neatly with these stackable boxes!

  8. scorpiolexie

    I deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes because I have a ton of shoes but because of the recent flood in our area in Davao my collection has been ruined :( I really need this to help me salvage what I can from my collection!

  9. Jessiemer Abing

    name: Jessiemer Abing
    Twitter name: @JessieDCa

    I deserve to win that bec my shoes deserves the care that the Howards Storage will give.

  10. Apple Sombrero

    Apple Sombrero

    I deserve to win Howards Storage World Acrylic shoeboxes. Because I’ve tried those transaparent plastic shoe boxes (bought from online, mall, bazaars and though louse up in 3-5 months) And now, I think it’s time to switch to an ACRYLIC shoeboxes! Fab!
    And yes shoe boxes, one of my birthday wishlists *:)

  11. Kris

    Twitter: kristetadeleon

    Hi camille! I’ve been looking for a really nice shoe organizer for the longest time. Until I saw this post on your blog. I deserve to win this because I want to show my love to my child and my husband by surprising them with our new shoe organizer. This will keep our shoes clean and neat. Less time of worrying and more time with the family. :)

  12. Mirzi Sarte

    Mirzi Sarte

    I deserve to win Howards Storage World to take care of my shoes and I feel they deserve a good and beautiful place to keep :D

  13. hanniel eugenio

    name: hanniel eugenio
    twitter name: @hannieleugenio

    I deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes simply because i love my shoe.. i usually save my allowance and earnings to buy shoes for my essentials.. and even if a don’t have a lot of shoes i wanna make sure ill keep them neat and taking cared of since my shoes are part of my ventures. Therefore, my shoes deserve the best thing from Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes. ^^

    i hope ill win this..^^

  14. Jacqueline Uy

    Twitter name: Msjacuy

    Let me quote Hannah Montana on this one: “They’re shoes, I’m a girl. Do the math.” I deserve to win the Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes because I think I owe my shoes the perfect storage space. After all, they have served my feet over the years. ;)

  15. Kyla Barcela

    I deserve to win Howards Storage World Acrylic Shoeboxes because we need a place to put our shoes and sandals. Thank youu!! :) x

  16. Regina Mae Ongkiko

    Name: Regina Mae Ongkiko
    Twitter: @rehinamei

    I deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes because I am really addicted to shoes, and everyone says I have way too many shoes, but I don’t care, because I think shoes make or break an outfit! Because I love shoes, I take good care of them and I think that these shoeboxes are the perfect tool to help me care for my shoes and keep in style

  17. Shigemi

    Name: Shigemi Muramatsu
    Twitter ID: moreofgemimur

    My shoes deserves the care and a rest haven after a long day of being my bestfriend at work, at school, and in special events! :))

  18. Carla Alcantara

    Carla May Alcantara

    I deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes because of my growing collection of shoes and they need a “shelter” to stay in and it’s going to be such a big help for me since it’s see through, it’s going to be less hassle for me to find my shoes especially when I’m in a hurry. It’s more convenient and more fash! :)

  19. Denyse Oruga

    Denyse Oruga

    I deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes because I really care about my shoes! and I think it deserves to be in a better quality like Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes!

  20. Hazel Uri

    Name: Hazel Uri
    Twitter: @hzlzelle
    email: hazeluri at yahoo dot com

    I deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes because there are tons of shoes in the house and our shoe storage is already so old!

  21. Pikki Costanilla

    Name: Pikki Costanilla
    Twitter: @pkcostanilla
    I deserve to win Howards Storage World because I strongly believe that good shoes take you to good places and in order to have good shoes one must have the perfect storage. ;)

  22. Jenna Mae Manio

    Jenna Mae M. Manio
    @mikmanio (twitter)

    I want and need to win those shoe boxes to not experience having my shoes in the garbage can again. My mom hates seeing my shoes in the patio so she keeps on throwing them so I’ll just have to get them there. Hope I’ll win. Bye garbage cans, HELLO Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes!

  23. Lady Kim Bugais

    Lady Kim Bugais
    I deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes because it makes our shoes be organized and look neat in our room. Organized things helps you protect your shoes to make it look as good as new.

  24. Lovely Go

    Name: Lovely Go
    Twitter Name: @labliann

    The first time I saw the Howards Storage World Acrylic Shoeboxes here on your blog, I immediately said to myself that I should have this one and I would do anything to get it. Well, I think I really do deserve this shoe boxes for I really need a place wherein I can put my collection of shoes. Not just any place, but a place that is just as beautiful as the shoe boxes you are about to give as a giveaway to four lucky winners (I really hope that I’m one of them). If I win this, I’m sure that every pair of my shoes will maintain its quality, will be organized and be kept away from being ruined. And most importantly, I won’t be having a hard time to look for my pair of shoes especially when I’m in a hurry. :)

  25. Chezka

    Chezka VIdal
    Twitter: FaithHopeChezka
    I deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes because my babies need a new house :) Living in a 20 square meter bachelor pad surely makes one creative (think space-saving). I have to make sure all my stuff fit: the closet go under my high bed, and even my pairs of shoessies are in a plastic storage hanging under my high bed =) Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes are definitely gonna keep all my shoes- flats, wedge, winter boots and slippers- neatly stacked, free from molds and deformation and no more peeking to see if I’m pulling out the right pair =)

  26. Claudine Chua

    Claudine Claire Chua
    TwitterL Claudine Claire Chua (@itsclaudinechua)

    I deserve to win Howards Storage World because I’m planning and already started to widen my shoe collection. I wanna give my babies a warm welcome by having this perfect shoe storage!

  27. Adelyssa Santos

    Name: Adelyssa Santos
    Twittername: @adelyssasantos

    I deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes because I want to make three (four including myself) happy. They are my roommates for almost 6 years. And for our last school year together, I want to give them something extraordinary. We have problems kasi organizing our footwear. Our dorm matron always reminds us to clear the area under our beds (where we put our shoes) because the ate’s of the dorm don’t want to clean cluttered areas. Stacking flimsy shoeboxes is not good enough since it will only fall down. Finding the right pair has become a problem too. Sometimes, I have to go down the floor to peek under the bed to find the other pair. Since the acrylic boxes are clear and sturdy, we can stack them all up in one corner of the room (maybe we can use it as a display too! Haha) without the hassle of opening all the boxes just to find the right one.

  28. Ivy Tercena

    Name: Ivy Tercena
    Twitter name: @poison_ivy_08

    “I’am definitely a shoe lover. My collection depends
    on its design,uniqueness,durability, function
    and also the price itself. I want to make my shoes
    valuable by having Howards Store World Acrylic
    Shoeboxes.With Howards Store World Acrylic
    Shoeboxes, I have a chance to take advantage of every available space
    underneath my bed making it a clutter free haven.”

  29. mich c.

    TWname: michelle condesa (@waywardbam)
    i deserve to win because i really love shoes and any footwear..

  30. Lya

    Lya Sayson

    Hey! :)
    I deserve to win Howards Store Acrylic Shoeboxes because I want to protect my shoes just like they protect my feet and complete my outfit. Shoes are a girl’s “sole”-mate, that’s why I want to keep my shoes organized neatly so that I can use them for a long period of time.Keeping it in regular shoeboxes can be a hassle especially when you’re in a hurry.Like what Ms. Camille said,a lot of time is wasted opening and closing them. I want my shoes kept in a neat,chic,and convenient storage.Only, Howards Store Acrylic Shoeboxes can help me do that.

  31. ia erika caira

    name: Ia Erika Caira T. Tabotabo
    twitter name: @iaerikacaira

    I have to win these shoe storage simply because I love my shoes and they deserve to be taken care of. haha! :D

  32. Vina Yabut

    Marie Lyn Vina Yabut
    Twitter @vinayabut
    I deserve to win those shoeboxes because it will not only look y room tidy but also give my shoes the utmost care they deserve :P I also wanted to give the shoe box a test too before I re-purchase anything for my pair :)

  33. Jessamer Abing

    Name: Jessamer Abing
    Twitter name: @jexxaaaaaa

    I deserve to win this Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes because i love its remarkable and simple style that can allow my shoes to securely stock in such a creative, innovative and outstanding quality shoeboxes.

  34. Camille T. Cabardo

    Camille T. Cabardo
    I deserve to win this because my shoes deserve the care and the very high quality and durability of Howards Storage World has to offer. I’ll definitely share this with my mom if I will be one of the lucky readers! Lastly, I believe that our shoe cabinet needs a break na so Howards Storage World, please be mine! :)

  35. Darren Mae de Torres

    name: darren mae de torres
    twitter: @darrendetorres_

    i deserve to win howards storage world acrylic shoe boxes because my shoes are worthy of the care and protection that these boxes can give :)

  36. Nikki Santos

    Name: Josefina Veronica Santos
    Twitter Name: @veronikoi (Veronica Santos)

    I have been looking for this type of shoe storage. I knew that a sturdy clear shoe box will be the perfect solution for my poor shoe corner. I want my shoes to be organized all the time and I want to see them clearly so I could easily pick the pair I need. I deserve to win these awesome acrylic shoeboxes from Howard Store World because my shoes need a real home. I really want my shoes to stay lovely but unfortunately, they are experiencing a crowded and dusty environment. And, I don’t want them to be invaded by some sort of ants or pests. They deserve a treat for not letting me down whenever I walk around UP from a (far) building to another. They deserve to be comfortable as well. :)

  37. Joy Santos

    Joy Santos

    Why do you deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes?
    Looking for the pair of shoes that go with the outfit one’s wearing is always a cause of confusion in the small room my sisters and I share. And it doesn’t help that oftentimes we find that the shoes we love go to an early retirement due to the lack of proper storage.
    I believe that keeping our shoes organized with these acrylic shoe boxes would be a great start to a more chic, orderly and sustainable lifestyle.

  38. Stephie

    Name : Stephanie Kay D. Suyo
    Twitter : @Phipaysuyo

    I want to win this for me and for my mom :) We have the same size of shoes and we both don’t have a lot , but if we keep all our shoes together using this beautiful Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes, we’ll look at it as if we have a lot of shoes that we can share with each other .Definitely something that I will look forward too since it will lead to a lot of Mother-Daughter Bonding :)

  39. Ann Lao

    Ann Lao

    I deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes because shoe storage has always been a problem for me. Due to the limited space in my room, my shoes are stacked so high. Bad thing is, I use the ratty shoeboxes they were sold in so every time I need shoes, boxes AND shoes literally cover my floor. :(

  40. Jossie Clare J. Victoriano


    I deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes because I love my shoes and I hate seeing it full of dust and having those shoeboxes could also help me manage my time properly cuz it’s so easy for me to find my shoes and taking good care of your shoes properly is like you’re telling that every moment or good memories with that pair of shoe are all treasured. :D

  41. Katherine Co

    Name: Katherine Michelle Co
    Twitter: @KadieCo
    I/my shoes deserve to win this because my shoes have served me well and they need a nicer container to stay in. Besides, for a person as OC as I am (with a limited budget) this would somehow help me organize my shoes better rather than just piling up (and mixing up) shoe boxes.

  42. kristina sandra yee

    Name: kristina sandra yee
    twitter: sandra yee
    I deserve to win Howards Storage World because I can’t stand seeing all my shoes just around the corner with those boxes.. :((((

  43. Sherry Joy Yao

    Name: Sherry Joy Yao
    twitter name: sherryxmusic
    Why do you deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes?
    Answer: I deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes because I believe that they should be kept in a place where they could be preserved well since they’re used almost everyday. As they say, shoes take us to places and it protects our feet as well so we should take good care of them as much as we can. :)

    * my twitter is private so I took a screenshot of my tweet

  44. Ashley Chua

    Ashley Chua

    I need to win those acrylic shoe boxes because my babies (shoes) need TLC! After all, good shoes take you to good places!

  45. Alexandrine Delfin

    Alexandrine Delfin


    Why do you deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes?
    I deserve to win Howards Acrylic Shoeboxes because I have lots of shoes because they are a lot I don’t use it every time I go, so because of that I want to preserve my shoes. I don’t want pests to eat my shoes, it will be very disappointing :( By the use of the shoebozes Howards Store World will provide, my shoes will be organized I can choose the best shoes that will fit best for my outfit. And finally, I also believe that Howards Store World will not let me down if ever I’ll won this. :’)

    will keep my fingers crossed :’)

  46. Trisha

    I’ve seen these at Shang. It’s very nice. I have so many pairs of shoes! I need lots of it. HAHA

  47. Diana Catampongan

    Diana Catampongan

    I deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes because I am a completely neat freak person. I want everything to be clean & organized and the shoe boxes will preserve my precious shoes. This will definitely help me with my OCD. :)

  48. febbie

    Name: Febbie Lynn N. Galope
    Twitter: @febbieliciousss

    My room is kinda messy and one of my biggest problem is “where to put my shoes”. I’m such a shoeholic person and I love them. I always put them in place, in their own boxes where I bought them because I don’t have any shoe organizer. I want to preserve the quality and the looks of each of my shoes. And I know Howard Storage World will help me preserve the beauty of my collections :D

  49. Trish

    Name: Trisha Caranto
    Twitter: @miiss_triish
    I deserve to win Howards Storage World basically because I am inspired by how some fashion bloggers keep their shoe collection in their rooms! :”) ♥ I was thinking how could I choose the right shoes to wear without hassle looking those shoes one by one with the box and to keep my shoes without being deformed when they were out of it. Also, I want to keep them in my room with me being able to see my shoes even when I am just lying on my bed/reading books ( to serve as my inspiration) =)) Hehe.

  50. Grace Ann Mamiit

    Twitter name: grace_ann_010

    Why do you deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes?

    I deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes because I love my shoes that’s why I need a good and trusted brand like this to protect and to take care my shoes. It is also very convenient because it is transparent so I can easily find to shoes that i’m looking for. :)

  51. Marie Icoy

    Name: Marie Icoy
    Twitter: kisheebeau

    I deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes because I want my shoes to be preserve and not get eating by pests. So, that I can used it every time when I want to dress up. As well as when the shoes is keep in a safe place and can be worn properly then I can pass it down to my cousins or future daughters. (Vintage shoes:) )

    Thank you Ate Camille. God bless you :)

  52. Lilli Abatayo

    name: Lilli Abatayo
    twitter name: @LilliAbatayo
    “Why do you deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes?”

    i deserve to win because i pity my shoes every time i looked at them maybe because i dont know how to organize them and where to put them. i know Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes would help me out for this big problem..:)

  53. JA

    Name: Joyce Ann G. Castisimo
    Twitter Name: aztannah
    I deserve to win Howards Storage World because wala kaming matinong lalagyan ng sapatos sa bahay because our house is not that spacious. it would be a very very great help for a clean house in our home :) Yun po. Thank you :) At ang ganda nung lalagyan O.O

  54. Joy Concepcion

    Why do you deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes?

    Because I’m about to redecorate my bedroom, and I’d like my shoes to have a significant part in the room, and not be stowed away in my dark shoe closet. I want them to be displayed in the open, so I can admire them every day!

  55. Claudine L. Miranda

    Name: Claudine L. Miranda
    Twitter: clm042094

    I deserve to win Howards Storage World because my beloved shoes also deserves special care through the most stylish Howards shoe box! :)

  56. Ayra

    Name: Joanna Ayra Dalisay
    Twitter Name: @ayradalisay

    Hello Camille,

    I think I deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes because I don’t want to kill anymore shoes because of incorrect storage. I want a safer and cleaner storage for them. :)

  57. Martha Lou Segundo

    Why do I deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes?

    Even though Im just starting to widen my shoe collection it does’nt mean that I cant have this very wonderful shoe closet! :) This would be a good start to treat my babies just like diamonds. :) And with the help of Howards Store World Acrylic Shoe boxes, that will be possible! :)

  58. Beatrice Malveda

    Name: Beatrice Anne D. Malveda
    Twitter: @BMalveda

    I deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes because I love shoes and I need to start taking care of them! I don’t have a lot of budget to buy shoes every now and then so I buy classic pieces, the problem is I don’t store them properly and they end up looking old and worn-out. These storage boxes will really be a big help!

  59. Thea Denesse Fernandez

    I deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes because first of all I consider my shoes as my treasured possession so I might as well give it all the care it needs to keep it away from any kind of dirt or dust as much as possible. Having shoeboxes that ranges from different colors and sizes piled up in my room can pretty much give me an headache at times. Its very time consuming when you have to look inside each of the box everytime your looking for a specific shoe. Having this acrylic shoeboxes is like a dream come true for me and to my shoes as well because it would be easy for me now to look for that perfect pair of shoe plus my shoes now will have a new home that’s not only chic and fab but cluter-free. :)

    Thea Denesse Fernandez
    Twitter: @ iamtheadenesse

  60. Pia Alday

    Name: Pia Ylisa Alday
    Twitter: @itspiapie

    I deserve to win Howards Store world Acrylic Shoeboxes because I’ve been searching for the perfect shoe rack/case/box for my shoes after the unfortunate (and very depressing) thing that happened to me. So I was trying to arrange and clean my shoes a few weeks ago and I found out that a lot of my shoes have been damaged and broken because of improper storage! I was so surprised and sad because some of them I’ve only worn a few times! I really wish to win the acrylic shoeboxes so I can store my precious shoes properly! =)

  61. Antoinette Simeon

    Tonet Simeon

    “Why do you deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes?”

    -because if I win, I’d share my prize with my Mom and little sister. I’ve always told my mother to buy new shoe racks so that our precious pairs won’t get topsy-turvy and damaged. Moreover, up to now I haven’t brought her something really nice since Mother’s Day. I want to surprise her with this, pretty please. (:

  62. KIER Cuevas

    I deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes simply because, my shoes need them! :) It’s like a heart that needs L-O-V-E! naks!

  63. Debbie Fermin

    Name:,Debbie Marie R. Fermin
    Twitter name: debbiefermin
    I deserve to win because my shoes are a mess and by this i can manage and arrange them properly

  64. Jennifer

    Jenn Tan, @Ohnanajeeen, I need to win because I need new shoebox and I really want those! ;) Thank you! ;)

  65. Frances Carolyn Tan

    Name: Frances Carolyn Tan
    Twitter: @francesstan

    I deserve to win because, my shoes are in different places around my house, some are in the cabinet, some in the shoe racks, and my shoes are deformed, some changes color (ex. my brown wedge, it will have white color on the back part), and my shoes they become dirty. Thanks to Howards Storage World acrylic shoeboxes, I can now organize my shoes, and keep my shoes safe from dirt and it will not be deformed already :)

  66. Carol A.

    Carol Abedania

    I deserve to win these cute shoe boxes from Howards Storage World because I love to organize my things and I have many shoes. I need to keep them organized and with these stylish boxes, it will keep my precious babies looking good and new while keeping my room organized.


    Shara Marie M. Glorioso
    syiobe (!/syiobe)

    Why do I deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes?
    because I LOVE MY SHOES :) they’re my babies (kahit konti pa lang sila hehe) i always clean them because their box is naghihingalo na:)

  68. Claudine Chua

    name: Claudine Claire Chua
    Twitter name: Claudine Claire Chua

    I deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes because I’m starting to widen my shoe collection. I don’t have a place to place my increasing number of shoes and I think this would be a perfect opportunity to have one. I believe that shoes really deserve to be taken care of properly. Consider it as a late birthday present! :)

  69. Anne Reyes

    Name: Anne Francille Reyes
    Twitter name: Ancil Reyes

    I deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes because I love my shoes. It hurts me to see some either in their boxes or stuck in my old shoe cabinet. Shoes need some lovin’ too, and I know that they would be well-kept in these acrylic boxes.

  70. Sophia Hernandez

    Twitter: SRChernandez

    I think I deserve to win those Howards storage boxes since I’ve been eyeing them out since last year but I’ve never had the means to purchase them. I am currently a student and I think having an organized room will really aid me in my studies. Nowadays my shoes are just all over the place so it would really be great if I would be able to organize my room before school starts :)

  71. Christine Pedery

    Name: Christine Pedery
    Twitter name: @februaryburns

    I’m really thankful to you Ms. Camille for having Giveaways as one of your blog’s features! Aside from your young and chic get-ups, you made sure that a visit on your blog will be a totally cool thing. I think that I deserve the Howards Storage World acrylic shoeboxes because I need it badly since I will be staying in dorm next semester. Being a college student, it would really be a great help for me if I can have nice shoeboxes. An organized shoes will be a great starter for a best school year! :)

  72. Myles Acosta

    Name: Myles Acosta — Twitter: @mylesjanine

    Well, I deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes, because I think that I need those kind of boxes so that I can organize my shoes well. And these shoeboxes would really be helpful and useful for me so that I can keep my shoes away from dust, dirt and also from liquids.

  73. Mariam Yousuf

    Mariam Yousuf
    Twitter: MariamYousuf23
    Answer: I deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes because I don’t own many pairs of shoes and that’s why I wanna keep the ones that I have last forever! (that’s how much faith I have in those shoeboxes) and fashion is always cyclical so I’m not worried that my shoes will ever be out of fashion. So there you go : thrifty but stylish!

  74. Chai Chen

    Name: Chai Domingo
    Twitter name: @chenmeicai

    Why do I deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes? Well, I do love shoes … I think it’s pretty obvious here: (My album Happy Feet). However, something unexpected happened … THIS: She took over my shoe racks! Demmit! >.< So I need better way to store my lovely shoes and keep my feet happy! (^_^)

  75. Maria Pauline Evangelista

    Name: Maria Pauline Evangelista
    Twitter Name: @popoyen

    I deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes because I really want it and need it so badly. It would be a great help in organizing and protecting my shoes.

  76. Joy Kristine novilla

    Twitter: jkristineN

    I believe that i deserve to win the Howards Storage World acrylic shoes. I love shoes. Of course i want to preserve them especially those i love dearly even though they’re not that expensive. I want it for my self but this time, i want to give it to my boyfriend @soulchild99 (jose paolo ambat) so that he’ll learn and eventually, he’ll start organizing his shoes. I’m tired of putting his shoes in the shoe bag/boxes everyday after office. I kept on asking him to buy shoe organizer/s and he’ll just say yes (just for the sake of saying it). Sometimes we end up arguing just because of his shoes. He calls it shoeses. There was also a time when he broke up with me just because of that. It’s so petty. I know. But those simple things drives me crazy! I always end up putting my own shoes under the bed inside their original boxes and sometimes, they end up torn or dirty because of the ashes and dust under the bed. Eew much! I’ll buy some for my own collection but i want to give these acrylic shoe boxes from Howards for my dearest boyfriend

  77. mericon navarro

    Mericon Navarro

    I deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes because my shoes deserve a better home other than under my bed.

  78. See,Kristin Abigail P.

    Name: See, Kristin Abigail P.
    Twitter Name: iamkristinsee

    Hi Atsi Camille! I deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoe boxes, because I understand its purpose. Shoes protect our feet to be able to wander the world with our own feet. With Howards Store World Acrylic Shoe boxes, my shoes will always be organized and protected, to be able to carry me to my never-ending journey in this life full of wondrous experiences. ^^

  79. Jean Base

    “Why do you deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes?”

    i tend to forget i have these shoes because i can`t see them all in their shoeboxes.. then when i remember i have them, i see that its paint’s starting to chip off even if i barely used it. it’s heartbreaking !! if i win the howards store world acrylic shoeboxes then my problem will be solved !

  80. Mai Encabo

    Name: Mary Joan Corazon P. Encabo
    Twitter Name: Mai Encabo (@yamitah)
    I deserve to win the Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes, because I WANT and NEED it so bad. I am just living in a small unit and that chic and sleek shoe organizer would be a great help, or better yet, the solution to my spatial problem. :D Thanks, Miss Camille!

  81. D

    twitter: OoothatGurl

    There’s a saying that “there’s not enough shoes for every girl!” This is a very nice way to store my shoes! It looks stylish but still very roomy to store your shoes at! Very convenient if your in a hurry, definitely no need to look after each box cuz it’s very time consuming! I see what shoes I like and just grab ’em quick and I’m out the door! :)

  82. Jen Destura

    Jen Destura
    I deserve to win Howards Store World Acryclic Shoeboxes because I grew up without a shoe rack and the shoe boxes that come with it were always thrown in the garbage or used for other purposes. Because of this, my shoes would always end up getting dirty even if it’s just placed in a random corner because some spider would make it as their home and dust gets accumulated. Moreover, having no permanent place, it’s always getting kicked at and one or the other gets lost (especially during that Sendong typhoon) and that would make a complete mess. We owe a lot to our shoes since give they give extra oomph to our outfits and even exude confidence; it’s about high time to return the favor by getting these boxes and give them a sturdy and safe home.

  83. celenemarieF

    Ever since my partner and I moved into our tiny, little apartment, we didn’t have the chance to purchase a decent shoe-rack as the one we were eyeing was quite pricey and space-consuming so we always end up abolishing any plans to buy one. Winning this shoeboxes from Howards sure can help us solve our shoe storage dilemma. I know that with it, me, my partner and my kiddo’s shoes will be kept in a safe and secure haven meant for ’em footwears. :)

  84. Queen Elizabeth Tupas

    Name: Queen Elizabeth Tupas
    Twitter Name: Quen Elizabeth Tupas (@quenelizabeth)

    I deserve to win Howards Storage World because it can keep my shoes beautiful. My shoes is like my twin sister. With this storage it can elongate the lifespan of my shoes.. woooh! I want that to be the home of my baby loves. :)

  85. Russell Ericka Diolata

    Twitter name: seeitsRuss

    Hoping to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes! I was actually planning to buy a storage for my shoes. That’s for this coming school year. Since I travel for school, means my school is in a different place from my hometown, it’s a trouble to shop for this kind of stuff. As Miss Camille’s frequent blog visitor, I saw this blog giveaway going on. So I took the chance to join, desiring to win the prize. And I think this is a better choice than buying other shoeboxes. Why? Because it’s all said in Miss Camille’s article about it. All handy! Another, if I get to win this thing, I’ll be so lucky to put this on my blog for a good start in blogging society. And for the record, I trust this site so much. So if I win this thing, my shoes are gonna be the queens of any other shoes out there! :))) Yay! Need I say more? :)

  86. judc

    Name: Ma.Judiel S. Cleto
    Twitter name: majcleto

    Why do you deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes?

    I deserved to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes because my shoes and other shoes of my family needs it. Putting up the shoes in that cool stuff, it’ll be so great to look at your shoes that are organize well and ensuring your shoes are in the right place. It’s very convenient :)

  87. Stephanie Siao

    Name: Stephanie B SIao
    Twitter Name: stephearty
    I deserve to win Howards Storage world giveaway because just like you i have a deep relationship with shoes and they are overflowing in my room. With the acrylic cases i will be able to easily choose what shoes to wear to match my outfit for the day, It will maintain the quality of the shoes and it will lessen the clutter in our house and make my mom happier :)

    Thank You

  88. Szethe

    Name: Suzette Cania
    Twitter Name: @szethe
    I badly need to win the Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes because my doesn’t have a good shelter as of the moment :( I wanna give them the best kind of care I could give. :)

  89. Szethe

    I badly need to win the Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes because my doesn’t have a good shelter as of the moment :( I wanna give them the best kind of care I could give. :)))

  90. monique

    Name: Kate Monique Palma
    Twitter name: Monique Palma (@munik31)

    I don’t know if I really deserve to win because I don’t have much shoes to stock in with that Acrylic Shoe boxes.But one thing’s for sure, if I got that, I will invest on shoes to fill it up. :)

  91. Bernice Balace

    Name: Bernice Balace (Beryl)
    Twitter: EmeraldB_25

    I deserve to win Howards Storage World because lately I’ve been thinking of a way to store my shoes in the proper way without losing a pair or taking so mush time looking for them. I’d like to have this so, I won’t experience my shoes getting destroyed ’cause of just piling them on a basket.. I’ve been struggling with this storage for so long and finally I have my solution! I would like this because it can really really be a great way to store my shoes without making it a total mess. It well help me pick and see my shoes faster.. This would just really make it all so organized! :D

    Thank you, Ate Camille! Love ya! <3

  92. Cillalois Marie

    Name: Cillalois Marie Famero
    Twitter: @Blairful
    “Why do you deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes?”
    – Because my shoes needs a home, and they should be kept clean and safe. Howards Store Acrylic Shoeboxes are the answer to my prayers, cool storage for my precious shoe collection:)

  93. cerize sicat

    Cerize Sicat

    Why do I deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes? Simply because my shoes deserve some L-O-V-E. They are stored in their original shoe boxes but i must admit that the ones who have been opened repeatedly and been squashed because of other shoe boxes look plain horrible so i must keep them under my bed. But wouldn’t it be nice to let everyone see your fabulous shoe collection? And this is why I joined :D

  94. Darleen Atienza

    Name: Darleen Atienza
    twitter name: @darleenatienza

    I deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes because my babies (shoes) need a home. :) After a tiring afternoon or an event they need to be take cared of by having a nice place to stay. My shoes can’t stay pretty forever if I don’t store them properly. I prefer storing them in individual shoe boxes/containers instead of placing them all together inside shoe cabinets. This way, they don’t get deformed and dirty easily. It would be convenient for me to organize my shoes with HSW shoeboxes because it’s clear and it’s like a drawer. I don’t have to take each one down just to get a pair which is at the bottom of the pile.

    Btw, I just earned a bachelors degree last month and turned 23 this month. It would be nice gift if ever I will win those shoeboxes.

    More powers to you Camille and also to Howards Store World. :)

  95. Mariel Arboleda

    Name: Mariel Arboleda
    Twitter: @thequietgalaxy

    I deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes because as an incoming college freshman, my shoe collection is growing bigger and bigger. Since I share a room with my two sisters, it’s only fair that I get to store my shoes in an organized manner, and I can’t think of a better way of doing so than with using these awesome acrylic shoe boxes. <3

  96. CarmisCaprice

    Carmi Compasivo

    I deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes because instantly, upon reading your blog, I wanted to create a clutter free room! So i’d take advantage of every available storage opportunity. Right now, my shoes are scattered in every imaginable places! (think under the bed, closet cabinet, under the tv rack, argggh!) And I just have to agree that its sooo time-consuming to find each shoe, going through all shoeboxes (im close to taking pics of each just to sort them out!) And just when Im about to wear it, i find molds! ewww. Camille, please please give my footsies a good home.

  97. Jill Roque

    I deserve to win Howards Storage World because I really want this for a long time, I can’t afford to buy one. I need this so that my shoes will be well organized.

    June Izabelle Roque

  98. tsebautista13

    i loved to win these shoe boxes because “shoes” are also a girls best friend like diamonds and you have to love and take good care of them too :)

    Name: Cheryl J. Bautista
    Twitter: Tse13

  99. Erika Taduran

    Erika Taduran

    i deserve to win because for the love of shoes, I just want to take care of my shoes. Great things should be taken care of!

  100. Abigail Batiles

    I deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes because I still don’t have a permanent place to place my shoes and I’m also having a hard time to find my shoes. I need a perfect storage for my shoes and I believe HSW will provide the best for my shoes and will never fail me! If I will be lucky to win,it will be my first ever shoe storage! :)

  101. Shane Chua

    I think I deserve this because every “fashionista” needs their shoes to look good and i know that this willl make my shoes look much more organized and much prettier..haha but thanks anyways..Bd

    • Shane Chua


      sorry forgot to leave twitter name…

  102. Iya Idea

    Name: Iya Moriana C. Idea
    Twitter: @iyuhidea

    I deserve to win Howards Storage World cause I have so many shoes that are just compressed in 3 paper bags so it’s hard for me to find them plus my shoes get ruined since it’s jampacked in one bag with different types of shoes. I hope I win! :)

  103. Patty Calleja

    Patty Calleja
    twitter: @pattycalleja

    I deserve to win those shoe boxes because I am a self-confessed OC and nothing makes me happier than seeing everything in pristine order, which is why these gorgeous shoe boxes from Howards Storage World are perfect for me and my babies.

  104. Valentine Gonzaga

    Name: Valentine Gonzaga
    Twitter name: @ValleeGonzaga

    Shoes, next to diamonds, are a girl’s best friend and these pairs of stylish investments need a special storage treatment. Well, mine definitely needs one, and since I’m sharing a shoe closet with the whole family, my shoes can use Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes–a chic barrier from brother’s basketball shoes. Also, clear shoeboxes means lesser time for me to choose shoes for my outfit.

  105. claire sereño

    Name: Claire Sereño
    Twitter name: @MayeeXin
    “Why do you deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes?”
    i deserve to win Howards Store world acrylic Shoeboxes because I, mom and my sister with her child are sleeping in one room.and our things are also packed inside the room. my mother and my sister always scold me because my shoes are put everywhere since they don’t have space there. our room is so small. I need it so that i can gather all my shoes in one organizer, i bough my shoes because i love them and they deserve an area for them to feel they are valued as well and Howard Shoeboxes are the perfect organizer to use.thanks

  106. Wilhelmina Balondo

    Name : Wilhelmina Balondo
    Twitter Name : @minabalondo

    i should win those Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes so that my shoes will be more organized than being just cluttered under my bed.


  107. Farrah Espina

    Name: Farrah R. Espina
    Twitter Name: farrahespina
    Good shoes take you to good places. Shoes that are taken care of properly I know will take me to my dreams! I know that keeping a pair in one of these shoe boxes will help me a lot in achieving that! (yes! may ganun)

  108. Joanna Copo

    Name: Joanna Copo

    twitter name: j_nightress

    I deserve to win those Howards Storage World Acrylic Shoeboxes because all of my shoeboxes are just under my bed where the termites have attacked the house of my precious shoes:(
    With these acrylic shoe boxes, I am sure that the termites won’t attack them anymore.

  109. Maria Garalde

    Name: Maria Garalde
    Twitter Name: MtotheARIA_G

    I deserve to win the Howards Storage World shoeboxes because my shoe cabinet is too small and cramped for my shoes, and some of my shoes are just placed on the floor of my bedroom because there’s no more space in my shoe cabinet. I want my room to be very organized, especially my shoes so I can pick them out for my outfits easily and they don’t get dirty right away. And of course, being a girl who really loves shoes, I plan to buy more shoes so I need a place where I can put my babies for my feet in. :D

    Thank you! :D

  110. Julyn Kok

    Name: Julyn Kok
    Twitter: LovekokS

    I’m a shoe collector and it is good for me to have this Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes. Shoe organizer is a thing that keeps my shoes in place. It can help me save time and effort in looking for a particular shoe to wear. It can also give me a lot of space at home at the same time it is organized, and it can make my storage neat and clean. ♥ :)

    “Give a girl the right shoes, and she can conquer the world.” ― Marilyn Monroe

  111. Stephanie Clare Rojas

    I would love to give my shoes a better “home”. Since we live in a tropical country, the heat contributes to the fast deterioration of my shoes’ lives :'( I feel so bad seeing my precious shoes living in such deteriorating boxes stashed away in my dressing room. Since Howards Storage World offers shoe boxes that are clear, compact and well sealed, I believe my shoes will be grateful to be stored in them :) It will be a lot easier and more organized for me to store them in my room, and it would be more convenient for me to pick out which pair would best suit my day’s outfit without wasting the time so early in the morning :D

  112. Joyce

    Name : Joyce Anne Duyao
    Twitter Name : Joyce Anne Duyao (@joyceeduyao)

    It’s hard to keep everything in place when you have a toddler running and playing almost 24/7 in the house. Well, it’s just one of the many responsibilities you have to keep up with when you become a mom. As for me, it has been one of my everyday dilemmas to prevent my kiddo from playing with his Dad’s shoes. He just won’t stop exploring everything that he sees. And most of the time the more you tell him not to touch something the more he pursues it. So, after finding out about this blog giveaway, I immediately just have to take time to join. This will definitely help me maintain our shoes on it’s proper place and keep our shoes at it’s utmost quality. Definitely something that would take one less worry off my back.

    There, so I really hope I win. After all, what’s a family of shoe fetish without it’s fabulous shoe rack.

  113. Carla Alferez

    I deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes because I can easily see the shoes because the boxes are transparent perfect for me because I’m always on a rush specially when I’m going to school. And my shoes in my room are very unorganized. They need to be put in a proper boxes. :)

  114. Lovely Joy Merced

    Name: Lovely Joy Merced
    Twitter: @Joyluck_614

    I love shoes! I appreciate good looking shoes! So whenever i see a pair that i like, i buy them right away. Now because of my love for shoes i ended up with a problem. Now i have waaaay too many pairs laying around the house, scattered and unorganized. I bought a shoe rack from the public market(lol) but it really didnt look nice and still looked cluttered. So i deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes because what better way to organize my shoes while still showing of it’s beauty than with these shoeboxes. Perfect size for whatever shoe’s i got, clear panels to show ’em off and make them look organized and these shoeboxes will add beauty to whatever room i put them in.

    Thank you! :)

  115. altheasarah

    Name: Althea Sarah Ramos
    Twitter Name: rhas000

    I deserve to win the Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes because I suck in organizing my shoes so these boxes will be really be of great help! :)

  116. Patricia Romasanta

    Name: Patricia Romasanta
    Twitter Name: @PatRomasanta

    I do deserve to win the Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes for me to preserve the beauty of my shoes and i got no containers for my shoes theyre just on the floor. So if i win these boxes, I can store my shoes properly and safely. So yeah, Hope i win! :)

  117. abigail ong

    Name Abigail Ong
    Twitter name abiboy541

    “Why do you deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes?”
    I need a place to store my beautiful shoes in style…..

  118. ricell ann

    Name: Ricell Ann M. Quito
    Twitter Name: ricellannRN
    I deserve to win Howards Storage World because we are moving in to our new apartment by end of this month, with its chic design it can be placed even in the living room to showcase and store my shoes.

  119. Enrica Lagon

    Twitter name: MermaidEnrica

    “Why do you deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes?”

    Since I left my house to stay in the dorm, my shoes also lost their house :( haha and being a very careless person, my shoes are either scattered or mashed up together! I made a makeshift shoe storage box but… it sucks. I’ve been planning to buy a LEGIT shoe box for months now, but I’m really choosy at picking one. (And I’m waiting for my parents to buy me one haha) :)

  120. Angela Diofel Esguerra

    Name: Angela Diofel Esguerra
    Twitter: andiesguerra

    I deserve to win this Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes, because like any other girl, I’m a shoe lover and with this it will help me preserve the beauty of my shoes. :)

  121. Saisai

    Name: Isabella Baquial
    Twitter name: mixingmelodies
    Why: because I’m quite careless by nature. Even if I take extra care of my shoes, I can’t help but neglect some of them and they’d collect dust and dirt and eventually, become ruined in the neglect. I’ve tried to wear all of them and love them equally. But I can’t help but pick favorites most of the time. I’m hoping that something like this would give them an extra boost of protection :D

  122. Rochelle

    Name: Rochelle Ostonal
    Twitter: @super09

    Why do you deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes?”

    As simple as that all my shoes and foot wears are scattered below my bed. Honestly, when I need one pair of it I need to use my “panungkit” first to get it. I need to do extra effort to lean on the floor to get it. hahaha Its just that being busy in work I didn’t bother to go to the store to buy one.I save my time to take a sleep and have rest from a long tiring everyday. So i think this time i deserve to win this Shoeboxes.

  123. Ana

    I think I deserve to win the HSW shoeboxes because not only will I use it, so will my mom! Now that my mom and I are the same shoe size, we will be able to keep the shoes we love and share in a place where we are assured that it’ll be safe from dirt and dust! Plus, we can also wear our shoes more often because we can see what we own and not overuse anything!

    Thanks for the giveaway, btw!

  124. Vanya Peralta

    Name: Albany Ann Corazon D. Peralta
    Twitter name: vanyaperaltaaa

    Why do you deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes?”

    Winning Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes will help me preserve the beauty of the pairs of shoes that I have. Shoes are also investments because it takes time and effort to get the perfect pair for your feet. In addition to that, getting shoes are quite expensive if you’re going for the quality that will last a lifetime. Thus, winning Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes will help me preserve my investments and make these pairs of shoes last forever.

  125. Lmyx

    Name: Jubilee Macatangay
    Twitter: @lady_myx

    I deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes because I think its time for me to learn my leason, take good care of my shoes, cause they carry me on whenever I go, they have their unconditional patience even I just place them outside our door. They never disappoint me.

  126. Theresa Montemayor

    Name: Theresa Montemayor
    Twitter Name: therezuhh

    I deserve to win just like anybody else and I know that we all joined this contest with one reason. To be able to take care of our beloved shoes. For me, this is a great opportunity to start taking care of my shoes since school is going to start already and I won’t be able to have time to organize them so this storage box will do the job for me. :)

  127. Julia Nicole Tagun

    Name: Julia Nicole L. Tagun
    Twitter Name: @nicoletagun
    I deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes because they’re the answer to my prayers, a “home” for my shoes. :D I love my shoes it’s just that I can’t afford one storage. I’d be beyond happy if I win this giveaway because finally my shoes now have a “home” :D I always have a hard time looking for my shoes because they are all kept at their boxes so I always end up using the same shoes all the time and the boxes are kept in a cabinet which make it difficult for me to get the shoes because the cabinet is too small. Everyone deserves to win It’s just that I need one for my babies(shoes). Thank you

  128. Rachelle Ramilo


    I want to win those boxes because I won’t be able to wear my lovely shoes as much as I want to come June (school uniforms!). My shoes deserve a better storage. Those Howard Storage World boxes are transparent so even if I won’t get to use them often, I’d still be able to appreciate them just by looking at how they are beautifully stored and protected!

  129. Ely Vien Asuncion

    Name: Ely Vien Asuncion
    Twitter Name: @vienasuncion

    I deserve to win this because i am a girl that loves shoes and we all love to take care of our loved ones, such as our shoes, bags, etc.


  130. Marhiz Medalla

    Name: Ma. Rhiza Mae A. Medalla aka “Marhiz Medalla”
    Twitter Name: marhizamae

    Why do you deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes?

    I wanna win Howards Storage World acrylic shoebox organizer because it’s chic, neat and space-conscious.

    CHIC and NEAT?
    I like to have this shoe organizer so that my shoes are stored in a safe and accessible location and that I’m always on the go whenever I pick my shoes for my look. (For Lookbook and Chictopia)

    I can stack up these shoe organizer to utilize the small space I have especially that I live in a small condo unit.

    I am looking forward in using HSW Acrylic shoeboxes. It’s really a must-have for shoe addicts! :)

  131. Trisha Sto. Domingo

    Twitter: @triiiiisha
    “Why do you deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes?”
    because my feet srsly needs awesome shoes! and it’s so cute! ♥

  132. Nicole Ann Lopuz

    twitter : @niclopz

    I deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes because my shoes are very much cluttered and I want it to be organized with these amazing acrylic shoeboxes.

  133. Madeline Eventov

    Oh and by the way I don’t have a twitter! I hope that doesn’t affect my chances of winning. :(

  134. Madeline Eventov

    I also deserve to win because fashion is a huge element in my life. I scour many fashion blogs each day (but Camille’s is my favorite :) ) and I dream of having a successful job in fashion some when I am older. Shoes are very important in fashion, and my collection needs somewhere to stay other than a dumpy old shelf. As Marilyn Monroe says,”Give a girl the right shoes, and she can conquer the world.” Please give my world-conquering pairs a home! :)

  135. Anns Guzman


    I think I need to win this giveaway because I love my shoes. The fact that I’m OC, I really believe that if I get this giveaway from Hogwarts Storage World, I couldn’t be any happier. Seeing my shoes all piled up is one of the best feelings in this world. :)

    Why spend so much time and money on creating an impressive collection of shoes only to hide it away in the darkness of your wardrobe? Those acrylic shoe boxes make an excellent storage and display solution for my shoes and ensure that all of them have a home even if my collection grows. :) Thanks!☺

  136. Stephanie Pastrana

    Stephanie Joyce Pastrana

    “Why do you deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes?”

    I deserve to win Howards Store Acrylic Shoeboxes because I am moving out of our house in Bulacan in a few weeks to a very small studio type condo in Espana for college. I own a lot of flats and I’d love to bring most of them with me. It’s quite impossible to bring most of them because of the lack of space but Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes will definitely solve that issue! Like what you said, you can just stack them up. Owning these shoeboxes will definitely save some space and keep my flats clean and good as new :)

  137. Nikka Merro

    Name: Anna Kattrina A. Merro
    Twitter name: @nikkamerro

    I believe that every pair of shoes is important because they take us to different places and are with us as we experience the world. I deserve to win because I think my shoes deserve to be placed in special Howard’s Storage World acrylic shoeboxes because they have served me well in style, comfort and purpose. :)

  138. Aerielle Nuestro

    Aerielle Nuestro

    Me and my mom deserve to win the Howards Storage World Acrylic Shoe Boxes because we’ve been dreaming of having a rack full of acrylic shoe boxes so that we can store our shoes and organize them by color. We have the same size so we share our shoes, she wants a shoebox like that so do I. I want to give it to her as a late mother’s day gift. Thank you Ms. Camille! :)

  139. Maria Lyra Sosa

    name: lyra falconete sosa
    twitter: @lyraFS

    I deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoe boxes simply because i’m a shoe lover. my shoes are my babies and i really worked hard for them. :)

  140. celine

    name: celine ong
    twitter: @celineong89

    Just like Cinderella, a pair of shoes (or more!) can change your life. Some say that “a girl’s best friend is not a diamond, but a pair of shoes.” I consider my humble collection of heels and wedges to be my fashion life-savers, so they definitely deserve all the proper care and love in the world. Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes are the best way to keep my shoes looking perfect- just like the first time I bought them. :)

  141. Jee

    Name: Jeleen Antonio
    Twitter: @jdgantonio

    I deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes because for me shoes can take you everywhere. I definitely have a lot of shoes! Seriously! Hahahah! But i dont have any great cabinet/container/shoebox for my lovely shoes :( Shoes should be treated right! We should take care of our shoes, because without our shoes we cannot travel the world. :) I think many people will join this giveaway and they want to win and maybe i will not be one of the lucky winners but seriously i need a great acrylic shoeboxes like that! Actually i’m the only who needs it, MY SHOES NEED THOSE <3

  142. Sheilah

    Name: Sheilah Marie Velasco
    Twitter: @sheilahmv

    I would love to win Howards Storage World because it’s sturdy enough to keep shoes in a good condition and it’s transparent so it’s easy to find the shoes you need. keeping them in shoe boxes( which is what I’m doing right now) is just not that good enough.

  143. Beatrise Perez

    Name: Beatrise Perez

    Twitter Name: beatrisssse

    I deserve deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes because number I love shoes! Meaning I have loads of shoes that are all kept inside every boxes and it is true, it really eats up space in our house! I really want this to help me organize my shoes inside my room and I for all know that it will be safe and secure. For sure with the Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes, my shoes will look exactly the same even though, I haven’t used it for a long time! And lastly I’ve been wanting to have my own shoe storage since I started to love and collect shoes. Since I just turned 18 and I’m starting something new in my life, exploring wanting to buy everything(pertaining to shoes) I can see! I think the first thing now that I should look is for a place for that everything! And thank you, Ms. Camille for having this giveaway! I hope I will be one of the LUCKY 4 to win! Goodluck to everyone and GOD BLESS! :)

  144. Gemnikka Alcantara

    Name: Gemnikka Alcantara
    Twitter: icraveforbliss

    I deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes because I am currently having problems on my shoe storage. :( I want my shoes to “feel” what they truly deserve, and I believe these Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes would really make them “feel” loved much more. Well, I think shoes have “feelings” too! :)

  145. Athena Racca

    Name: Athena Karla Racca
    Twitter: @arveralois

    My love for fashion comes with the care for every piece of clothing and accessory that I own. But I have never been successful in keeping all of my pairs of shoes looking brand new. I hate to see a pair of boots that has been used only once to go to waste just because I never wore it again and it was stuck in the back of the shoe rack. Also, the original boxes that shoes come in are not really what we would could call chic and stylish. That’s why I deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes, because they will take care of my shoes and make my whole closet look organized.

  146. Krizia Laput

    Name:Krizia Therese Laput
    Twitter Name: Krizia Laput (@KriziaLaput)
    I deseve to win Howards Storage World acrylic shoe boxes because I’ve always wanted to have a place for my shoes. It’s annoying sometimes how my shoes are not properly arranged. So I really hope I can win this! My room will never be a mess plus with this Howards Storage World acrylic shoe boxes, my shoes will be organized! :D

    Thank you :)

  147. Madeline Eventov

    I deserve to win Howard’s Storage World because my vast and loved shoe collection needs a home other than an almost full closet shelf. (There are so many they keep falling off!)

  148. Alyssa Batuhan

    Alyssa Batuhan

    I deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes because I want to win it for my brother. I want to surprise him with these. Can I just say that he is sooo obsessed with his shoes. He cleans his shoes everyday and even if he hasn’t used them yet. There was a time when our dog peed on one of his shoe boxes. I actually laughed hard because he’s too obsessed with them but then I felt sad for him. If only he has those Howard Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes. :D Pleeeeease help me win Camille! Thank youuu! :)

  149. Ciril Vida Alarcio Diesmos

    Name: Ciril Vida Alarcio Diesmos
    Twitter Name: @civialdi

    Everyone really deserves to win as one of the people who commented here said. Everyone really does! Its just that, if I win these Howards Storage World acrylic shoe boxes, I will be giving it to my beloved, best Mom. Its the first gift I would ever give to her and I bet the BEST she would ever cherish. She will totally love it and she wouldn’t think twice in buying another set once she received one from you guys and has tested these Howards Storage World acrylic shoe boxes’ world-class design and quality that is one of a kind. Thanks and GOD bless us always!

  150. krsta

    Name: alyssa krista laguitan
    Twitter: @imyourAKDL
    I deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes because my shoes is my best friend and a best friend needs to be treated like a princess.

  151. Stephanie Merced

    Stephanie C. Merced
    twitter: @stephaniemerced

    Why do you deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes?”

    I deserve to win Howard Store World Acrylic shoeboxes since I would like my shoes to be proper and well-arrange. Moreover, i also believe that this has a nice and outstanding quality to protect my shoes and flats from future floods. I hope I can get this product because I want to try this acrylic shoeboxes:))

  152. czarina

    Name: Czarina Jean Anonuevo
    Twitter name: zhajean

    I deserve to win those Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes…because a pair of shoes is worth storing and caring for.

    paint it stripes

  153. gabrielle macavinta

    name: gabrielle macavinta
    twitter: @jabbieboo

    i deserve to win the Howards Storage World Acrylic Shoe Boxes because i am a young girl dreaming to have her own shoe storage and it’s also because my little closet that was destroyed by a flood here in our place is the one i use to store my shoes are already making my shoes unorganized, cluttered and dirty, and i want my shoes to fell comfortable and clean in their storage because they are my possession and happiness. :)
    thank you. humble kisses xx

  154. Samantha Ang

    I deserve to win Howards Storage World because I really love my shoes and I want to do to what’s best for them. Also, I believe HSW will help keep my shoes organized and it is just so convenient because it’s see through which means no more opening and closing for those old tattered dusty carton shoe boxes especially when I’m in a hurry. Therefore, I believe that I deserve this because it would most certainly do me and my shoes a favor by providing convenience, neatness and protection from molds allowing my shoes to be preserved nicely for more usage in the near future. :)

  155. Patricia Pedro

    Name: Patricia Pedro
    Twitter: @zanyside

    I deserve to win those shoeboxes because my shoes are just stashed under my cabinet waiting to be infested by i-dont-know-what creatures. Amen.

  156. Mitch Herrera

    Twitter: @MitchHerrera

    I deserve to win Howards Storage World. I love collecting shoes! Imma shoe-addict :D And I treat them as my babies. They deserve to have a perfect shoe organizer like Acrylic shoeboxes from Howards Storage World!

    Let me win this! Pleaaase? My babies (My shoes) need this so bad :(

    T H A N K Y O U ;)

  157. Arienne Toledo

    Twitter name: Yen toledo (@aryentoledo)
    I deserve to win Howards Storage World because I’ve learned the hard way that storage containers for shoes are nearly a necessity if you want to protect your footwear from dirt and dust. And since my footwear collection is always growing, I’m constantly on the lookout for new storage containers that will protect my shoes, while still giving me easy access and viewing.

  158. Maria Hilary Claudio

    Maria Hilary Claudio

    I deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes because I think my shoes also deserve to be well-treated, and so I’m gonna give them the right treatment using the Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes.

  159. Alyssa Mae Malacad

    Name= Alyssa Malacad
    Twitter name= ilovemalacad

    I deserve to win Howards STore World Acrylic Shoeboxes, because, first of all Ms. Camille Co love these! and i trust her with anything she puts up! I am familiar with Howards Store too and i know i can be inlove with their product too!! and i am a super duper shoe lover and need some organizing help.!! =)

  160. Camille Solis

    Name: Camille Solis
    Twitter name: @camillexi

    Why do you deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes?
    – I deserve to win the acrylic shoeboxes because I don’t want my shoes to get mixed up in the shoeboxes. I love my shoes too much to let them get cluttered inside the boxes.

  161. Dobbe Sumalinog

    Dobbe Sumalinog

    I deserve to win this because I’m starting my collection of shoes, and this is the best care I can give to my babies. :))))

  162. Paula Palo Panlaqui

    name: Paula Palo Panlaqui
    twitter: @paularoyale

    Why do you deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes?

    I’m starting to build my shoe collection this year and I admit they start to eat space on my room so this is a great storage solution. I love my shoes and I want the best for them!! <3

  163. Majo Camacho

    Majo Camacho
    twitter: majojocamacho

    I deserve to win Howards Storage World because my ever growing little collection of shoes need this! My shoes are just actually placed on the floor (near my bedroom’s door). They are like soldiers queuing up for training and I feel sorry every time I see my shoes in that kind of situation. Lining them up on the floor is really such a mess. Not only does this heap look unsightly, it can be a tripping hazard or an obstacle in the event of an emergency evacuation too. I know, we he have to treat them like babies too, right?! But I do not have enough budget to have my own shoe closet. That’s why acrylic shoe boxes is the solution to my dillema. Aside from its convenience, it also maintains the quality of the shoes. :)) and oh! t’s fashionable too and I love it! :D

  164. Lorices Pearl Dalumpines Paiton

    Name: Lorices Pearl Paiton
    Twitter Name: @loricespearl

    “Why do you deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoe boxes?”
    I deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoe boxes not for myself but for my mom. She has many shoes than mine ending up nakakalat around the house. Kidding aside, my times pa nga, natitisod kami because of her shoes.

  165. Jereika Aiko Tan

    I deseve to win Howards Storage World acrylic shoe boxes because I’ve always wanted to have a place for my shoes. It’s annoying sometimes how my shoes are not properly arranged. So I really hope I can win this! My room will never be a mess plus with this Howards Storage World acrylic shoe boxes, my shoes will be organized! :D

    Please let me win. :>

  166. Jhunalyn Modesto

    Name: Jhunalyn Modesto
    Twitter name: iamwallaby

    I deserve to win Howards Storage World because I treat my shoes as my babies, they’re priced possessions and I have bought each of them with hardwork that’s why they deserve a more ‘comfortable resting place’ after I wear them out for a good 8-10 hours per day. I believe this shoebox will be their haven :)

  167. Jeline

    Jeline Catacutan
    I deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes because my shoe collection is growing bigger and bigger! I find myself buying tons of shoes nowadays and truth is, I don’t really use anything for storage. I feel so bad! My shoes are just everywhere. I’ve been trying to find a good shoe storage but no luck. So I really hope I win this giveaway! My shoes deserve a good place to be in. *crossing my fingers!*

  168. Charlene Ilog

    Twitter name: @akosimisscha

    I deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes because I badly need convenience and in storing and finding my shoes. Imagine yourself waking up late for school and searching for your school shoes even adds pressure. Imagine your shoes having a free cockroach’s eggs inside. I am sure that Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes contain the quality that I’m looking for and those will surely help my shoes last longer.

  169. patty

    Name: Patricia Tan
    Twitter Name: @PattyTan27
    I deserve to win this because this is the perfect shoebox to put my beloved shoes in and it’s see through so its convenient and it will make my room look prettyyyy! *u*

  170. Alonica

    Name:Alonica C. Abad

    Twitter Name:@CelebiiLoni
    Question: “Why do you deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes?
    Answer:It’s pretty simple.I deserve to win HSW because I know my shoes needs them right now and I know HSW is the best for my shoes that will probably give my shoes a proper care.

  171. Shali G

    Shalimar Guerlain Diago
    I deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes because all of my shoes needs some BIG LOVE.

  172. Kristine Delos Reyes

    Kristine De Los Reyes
    I deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes because I love my shoes however I have no perfect place to put them to that makes them get easily dirty and cleaning them daily is a hassle for me.

    Thank you so much :)

  173. Laribel Amaranto

    NAME: Laribel Go Amaranto
    Twitter: Lharie

    Question: “Why do you deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes?”

    Actually, I store my shoes in a vintage china cabinet! It drives some of my friends crazy that I put my shoes where dishes should go, but it works for me. Hmmmm..However, it would be nice if I can store them in a way where I can see what I really have. These acrylic shoe boxes would be of great help to me. :)

  174. Kamille Liza G. Ampong

    I think I need to win this giveaway because I love my shoes and they’re a growing family to me. And I would want nothing else but to take good care of this family. :D

  175. Kristine Chat Loren Usero

    Twitter name: Kristine Chat Loren Usero (@yereffinmonster)

    I deseve to win Howards Storage World acrylic shoe boxes because my shoes are my to die for. I kept on organizing them and keep on buying tons of shoe organizers/ boxes just to keep them in good state. My shoes are one of my greatest treasure. I loved them like a human treat them as a part of my family. As what they said shoes are the least appreciated ones, with those perfect acrylic shoe boxes, my shoes will feel loved. Because I believe that shoes have feelings too. Thank you

  176. Iza Bautista

    Jay Eloisa S. Bautista

    I deserve to win Howards Storage World because I’m really having a hard time in storing my beloved shoes. Usually “napapagalitan ako dahil ang kalat ng shoes ko”. I think that Howards Storage World is the best thing that I could receive especially it could lessen the spaces in your room.

  177. Dineree Caberic

    Dineree Caberic

    I deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes because I want to preserve the quality of my shoes by placing them all there as easy as one two three! :) Plus it will not only paint a smile on my face but also my mom’s since she will never have to see my shoes all over my room. :))

  178. Tatjana Anne Perez

    Twitter username: @misstatj

    I deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes because I’m having problems with finding my shoes. I have shoeboxes piled on top of one another and it’s hard trying to find the pair of shoes I’m going to use PLUS it is time consuming. If I win this giveaway, I would easily pick the pair I’ll be using and will be stress-free on checking each shoebox I have.

  179. Mina

    Romina Fiel Tan

    I deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes because staying in a dorm in Manila for college means little space for my shoes (which means wherever there is space) and that’s why my shoes age faster than when stored properly!! I need those!! :(

  180. christine batiller

    I deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes so i can organize my shoes better. Organized shoes means longer shoe life. Longer shoe life means less shoe expenses because i don’t have to frequently buy another pair.

  181. Sarah Andrada

    Sarah Andrada

    I deserve to win Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes because me and shoes have a RELATIONSHIP. I care about them and I believe that they are hurt if they are not being taken care of. Howards Store World Acrylic Shoeboxes would be perfect for my shoes!<3

  182. Kathreen Mae Cascabel

    Name: Kathreen Mae D. Cascabel
    Twitter: @mimimalik1D

    Everyone deserves to win. :) It’s just that I need those shoe boxes because I’m sick of our shoe boxes here since they all get mixed up and I need to open it all before I could see which one is mine.

  183. Vanessa Joy Malate

    Name: Vanessa Joy L. Malate
    Twitter Name: Vane Malate (@VanelageLate)
    I deserve to win Howards Storage World because I really want and need this for my beloved shoes. And I believe HSW will provide me the quality I need for my priced possessions.
    Thank you :)

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