Cut It Out

Here I go again, thinking that the cut-outs on my knit dress would make it acceptable to be worn under Singapore’s hot weather. Oh boy do I never learn. Or maybe it actually is okay to wear it there but I just can’t tolerate heat well. Either way, lesson learned. At least it was raining […]


Let’s Make Forever Count

It’s officially May…which means there’s only 19 more days before #CloseUpForeverSummer!!! Woohoooo! Can you believe this will be the last one EVER? I sure can’t. I’m still in a bit of denial actually. But there’s no point in sulking so I’ve decided to make this one the BEST one ever. Who’s with me? Let’s make the […]


Do It Right

Note to self: always check your necklaces are facing the right way before taking your OOTD. Well, at least, my top isn’t inside out anymore. Huge improvement if you ask me. LOL. Anyway,if you can look past my minor boo boo, I hope you like this #OOTD from yours truly. It’s a simple printed jumpsuit […]
