Soul Surf

I heard so many good things about last year’s Soul Surf that when I got invited to the event this year, I knew I shouldn’t miss out. It’s an annual event held at La Union where local and international music acts come together for 3 days and 2 nights. People from all over the country flock […]


Let Loose

I remember the first time I saw a pair of culottes. It was during high school when I was required to wear them during P.E. I hated them back then because I thought they looked like crap. I mean, they’re basically pants shaped like a skirt in an incredibly awkward length. Can’t they freaking decide if they wanted to […]


The Norm

I seem to favor normcore dressing whenever I travel, especially when I have to hit the airport and have a long day ahead of me. On the day I wore this outfit for example, I woke up at 2:30am for my 5am flight from Manila to Hong Kong to Kuala Lumpur. By the time I got […]
