Blog Giveaway: Win P10,000 Worth of Shopping Spree At Warehouse! (CLOSED)

Didn’t I tell you the giveaways are coming? I’m a woman of my word! Here’s a mega giveaway from one of the best British brands available in our country–Warehouse!

As stated on my current header/banner ad, Warehouse is opening another branch at Powerplant Mall this August 10 (Friday). To celebrate this new addition to the family, Warehouse is giving one of my lucky readers a P10,000 worth of shopping spree at Warehouse! How generous! I wish I can join too! Unfortunately I can’t, so I might just drop by this weekend to avail of the 20% off on all items. You, on the other hand, can join my giveaway AND drop by Warehouse, Powerplant Mall for the special opening sale!

Here’s how you can join my Warehouse giveaway:

  1. Follow me on Twitter and Bloglovin’. If you don’t have these accounts, it’s easy to make one!
  2. Like Warehouse Philippines on Facebook.
  3. Make the Warehouse announcement photo your Facebook cover photo. Grab a similar photo to the one I posted below here.
  4. Post this as your Facebook status: “Warehouse Philippines opens in Power Plant Mall on Friday, August 10!” Make sure Warehouse Philippines is tagged in your status.
  5. Tweet this: “ is giving away P10,000 worth of Warehouse shopping spree! #ItsCamilleCoGiveaways”
  6. Leave a comment below with your name, Twitter name and link to your Facebook profile.

This contest is open to Philippine residents only. No multiple entries please. Deadline for entries is on August 9, 2012 at 12 noon. Winner will be chosen via and announced through my Twitter.

Good luck everyone!

350 Responses to “Blog Giveaway: Win P10,000 Worth of Shopping Spree At Warehouse! (CLOSED)”
  1. ei

    hi… im so inspired to you.. you are so great…
    i love your fashio…:)

    • leilani sonza

      Hi Camille..I am the winner :)

      I am just wondering how I will go about it :)

      With all the rain and flood..I was late in replying to your tweet ‘coz we did not have electricity :(

      I sent you a tweet and an email..I wonder if you received them..

      Many thanks!

  2. Aerielle Nuestro

    Ate Camille, iphone 4s doesnt have a tag application for facebook. I cant tag Wearhouse since it’s a page. Im afraid I might not be recognized by them. :(

    • itscamilleco

      Awww please do so with a laptop. It’s one of Warehouse Philippines’ requirements :)

    • Annabel Casiano

      i’m sorry but my twitter name is wrong here is the correct

  3. Pauline Gladys Bardenas

    Name: Pauline Gladys Bardenas
    Twitter name: @imsweetduchess
    Facebook profile: pgeb_18

  4. Hanna Yoon

    >.< sorry but I don't have facebook account. but can i still join the giveaway? :/

  5. Chai Chen

    Keeping my fingers crossed to win! :)

    1) Following you on Twitter and Bloglovin’ :)
    2) I Like Warehouse Philippines on Facebook ;)
    3) Warehouse photo’s on my Cover already :)
    4) Status updated and tagged: “Warehouse Philippines opens in Power Plant Mall on Friday, August 10!”
    5) Tweeted already: “ is giving away P10,000 worth of Warehouse shopping spree! #ItsCamilleCoGiveaways”
    6) My details:

    Name: Chai Domingo
    Twitter name: @chenmeicai
    Facebook profile.

    Woot! (^_^) Wish I’d win this or your other giveaway! :)

  6. Sie Cajilig

    Name: Siena Joy Y. Cajilig
    Twitter: @SieCajilig

    • Diana Q. de Ocampo, Jr.

      it’s also my birthday on the 10th so hope I really win =)

  7. Carvey

    Name: Carvey Evan L. Samonte
    Twitter: @carvey_sam
    Facebook: Carvey Samonte

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