Ruby Woo In Blue


Remember when I told you I’ve decided to try red lipsticks? Well well, I have already started building my red lippie collection and it’s now safe to say that I have enough to satisfy my sudden urge to go red. Let’s start with the most famous one shall we? MAC’s Ruby Woo! I got it from this online store named Lannel Boutique. They sell MAC cosmetics at lower prices compared to our local malls. I’m loving this shade! It’s such a bold statement. And the best thing about is it’s matte so it’s much easier to apply/control and it lasts all day!


I think with red, I look more mature and oriental which is a welcome change from time to time. Plus, it provides great contrast to the royal blue outfit I have on.


The top and shorts I’m wearing are actually from international brand Lily Jean. If you’re not familiar with the brand, it’s the brainchild of European-Brazilian designer Made De Coney. The brand originally started at Bali and is now available at 12 countries worldwide. It’s best known for combining the best fabrics and prints to produce everything from wearable streetwear to highly glamorous cocktail dresses. I died when I saw the dresses! They’re AMAZING!


Lannel Boutique MAC Ruby Woo Lipstick


SM Accessories earrings


Lemon Shop cardigan | Lily Jean sheer top and shorts

I paired my Lily Jean clothes with this soft sheer cardigan from Lemon Shop. Don’t you just love it when you get lucky and find pieces that match so well together? Both my cardigan and shorts are in soft fabrics and the same shade of blue, they practically look like a suit! I even added a gold belt to my shorts to match my cardigan’s gold trimmings. Gold and royal blue are made for each other.


Prada bag | Watch FactoryCasio watch | Tomato gold bracelet (part of a set)


Mango and SM Accessories rings | Mango belt


Comfit shoes


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138 Responses to “Ruby Woo In Blue”
  1. Kalea

    sa wakas I back read all your posts from 2012! I started reading your blog from 2013. Just felt like sharing. (: wuv yo blog xx

  2. Cherie

    I’m also using the same shade!! :)
    the only difference is I wear them in black! hheheehhe…(corny) :))

    B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L as ever Camille!

      • Cherie

        hahaha…I don’t know if you’re wearing local brands but if I may suggest….Nichido’s matte lipstick in “temptation” shade is also a good addition to you “red lippies” collection. :)

        • itscamilleco

          I shall check that out! Although I have so many red lippies now LOL :)

  3. Char Lee

    grabe, ikaw na! I really thought both cardigan and shorts are from the same brand! How do you manage to get pieces that just match?! Hahaha, hope you can feature howyou organise your closet some time ;)

  4. Molly

    so love the outfit especially the hair bagay :)

    finally the red lipstick u found it. congrats :p

  5. Gladys

    …Napatulala ako sandali…Kulang sabihing nagulat ako sa RED LIPS mo Miss…:)
    You are soo- pretty in here…

    Ahm, if you don’t mind my asking, ahm, hindi po ba nakaka-conscious magsuot ng mga sheer tops?

  6. Pris

    Gorgeous, Camille! I think Kryz has that cardigan you’re wearing here:)

  7. Mark U

    Oooh… That’s a nice shade of blue. :D

    Them thin red, villainous lips.. are just so kissably sultry!! Those shoes are very sexy.. but why the pumps?! You’d be towering over mortal humans. XD

    • itscamilleco

      I used to have a Lakers teddy bear haha! Oh no wait, it was Orlando Magic!

  8. ItsmeSophie

    HEhehe.. THis is my first time to comment here in your blog… Supah! like it your outfit.. I got inspired with your styles.. hehehhe.. you’re so fashionista.. heheheheh

  9. Emmrose Villasfer

    finally! red lipstick! hahaha :D
    i love yer shoes. :)
    hows your new year, miss camille ? :)
    hope you have a successful 2013! and more more outfit post! :)

  10. Trisha Isabel

    Hi Cams! Can I just ask if you know where to buy nice lace shorts?

    Btw this is sooo beautiful, you’re like ‘the barbie of our age’! :) :) You should do it more often(the red lippy) Hihi =)

    • itscamilleco

      Thanks Trisha! :) Hmmm I can’t remember any right now but have you tried apartment 8? :)

  11. Colt Nava

    I absolutely adore the sheer cardi! You look really pretty here, Camille :D

  12. Patrice Aliman

    You got me fooled there. I seriously thought it was a suit! When I read that the cardigan is from another shop, I was like “What??” Haha. I thought it was the piece with the shorts!

  13. Vanni Yeth

    Happy Red Lips Ms. Caaaaams! guuuuyyyyyyyyuuuuuuuuuu *u* Finally!

  14. Larissa Manguba

    OMG! I just died looking at your very beautiful lips, Ms. Camille! xxx

  15. Jayr Gutierrez

    You look like a thailander/thai in these pictures.hehehe love the skin! Let me guess, nagmamadali ka dito noh? coz everytime you take pictures, you really have more different poses talaga… And correct me if i’m worong, you used your nikon d7000 in this shoot? Happy 2013!

    • itscamilleco

      Yes haha! Nagmamadali si Lissa, who took my photos haha! I met her late and she needed to leave na :)

  16. Lily

    i remember you saying that you don’t wear red lipstick much because you think it makes you look “flirty, but not in a good way.” see?nde naman,classy parin:) Happy new year!:)

  17. Tricia G. Ladiana

    I like your hairdo , messy look but cute, bagay sayo!And the red lippie PAK NA PAK! :)

  18. Krisha

    I wanna raid your closet and grab all your wonderful stuffs. Haha. You’re so Fab! Pretty!

  19. glady reich

    Hi Camille! I really love your style and outfits too!! I actuallly have pinterest account, wwhich features fashion bloggers. So.can I pin some of your pictures there cause I’m truly an avid fan of yours!!! And a yess would really made my day!! Thank you!!! :D

  20. Jackey velasco

    Hi! Ms. Camille ruby woo was perfectly looks good on you, you shld wear it very often. Btw, is lannel boutique are selling authentic MAC lipstick? Thanks

  21. Isa Reynoso

    I’ve always stressed before how much I love the color blue in you! This outfit’s superb, I love it! <3 and your earrings and shoes super complement the look :) Aaaaaannnnd I love red lipstick on you! It stands out from all the blue :)

    Happy New Year Camille! <3 May 2013 be more awesome for you!

  22. jocelle

    Btw, ma iba lng paano ko lagyan ng pic ko pag magcocommemt ako dito sa blog mo?? Hihihi;)

  23. jocelle

    Sosyal ang dating parang pwde pang office to :) and the lipstick super dooper like. Any color naman bagay sayo eh ;)

  24. Kanu Sharma

    Bang!!! You are back again, Great Look, the shoes are fabulous. The shade on lips is red hot :). Wish You A Very Happy New Year. Have A Great Year Ahead. Best Wishes n Lots of Love.

  25. MJ Calago

    Love it. When i saw this I actually remembered my first post on my blog because we had the same color, but I was wearing polo shirt with bow tie and a skinny pants. =)

  26. rica

    ow, you look prettier in red lipstick^_^ I like! hehe.. Happy New year cams^_^ stay pretty and humble♥

  27. july

    ganda mo talaga camille!!!wish ko lng this 2013 nah sana makita na kita in person…. =D happy new year to u and sana more blessings pra sayo this 2013!

  28. ZaBenni

    I love so much this outfit and all the other ones. You are so lovely and so beautiful!

  29. Annn

    Since you are fashion/make-up pro, does Lanel Boutique sells authentic products? Btw, thanks for this post! Mall prices for imported make-ups are really $$$. :) Happy New Year [and new lipss] =]

  30. Annn

    I never thought you will still compare prices. haha. I thought you’ll immediately go to (MAC or) Rustan’s whenever you need a fashion piece. Anyway, great outfit! :D

  31. Charisse Roa

    My guess was right! Red lippie looks good on you too! Surely love the color combinations you have here (I’m biased when it’s blue, red or even pastel colors :D)! Everything’s just perfect! Btw, I can’t wait to see your new hair color ;) Happy New Year, Miss Camille! 2012 was such another lucky year for you.. I hope you’ll achieve more in 2013! <33

  32. maebs

    what’s with Camille with red lippy :) it really suits you well :) you look like a Taylor Swift, you should also sing RED. :)
    Happy New year ate Camille!
    new years resolution ko po is everyday akong magbabasa ng blog mo! :)

  33. Regina Belle

    hi Miss Camille.. :) thank you for sharing the Lannel Boutique with us.. you can say i’m a lipstick addict..haha so now i know where to look. :) Happy New Year to you! may you have a blast this 2013!

  34. Merrill Chan

    I am really inlove with this look especially the red lippy complimented your whole look, I really love the shade it really suits you. :D

  35. Christine Koay

    Love this look, Ms Camille! you look gorgeous with red lippie! you look more classy! and i do agree that gold and royal blue are made for each other. it makes you look more royal.. haha.. =)

  36. abby07

    NIce pick with that shade of red :) It looks so well on you. :) I hope I could see you one day.. Been wishing to see in you person. :)

  37. carla

    Ruby Woo really suits you! :D pretty.hehe..Happy New Year to you Ms. Camille :) the power of blue and gold..

  38. Sephie Rojas

    I love the modernized Balliwood feel to your look. It’s like, if Princess Jasmine were to live in the modern times, she’d probably wear something like that :)

    PS: Happy New Year Achi Camille! :D May 2013 be an even more epic year for you! :3

    • itscamilleco

      Oh I never saw that but thank you! :) Happy new year to you too Sephie!

    • itscamilleco

      Haha! Thank you Virginie! :) I must keep my shoes away from you then LOL :)

  39. Alyssa Sobere

    I love the way you can style difficult clothes, just like the blue outerwear. It’s really amazing how you can pair up a solid red and a solid blue, just so brilliant. I love your on this, by the way!

  40. Therese Antonette

    Love this outfit! So sophisticated! And your red lippie is ♥. :D

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