Brighter Days Are Ahead


I’m sure all of you know how much I love prints! When I first laid eyes on this, I knew I had to have it. It’s such a funky looking top, it’s hard to miss! I know a lot of you are looking for ways to spice up your wardrobe. Printed tops in simple silhouettes like this one are perfect. They can easily make, say a boring corporate attire, a whole lot more interesting. If I were working for a company with a dress code, I’d probably pair this top with colored trousers and a crisp white blazer. If you’re not that confident in mixing and matching, just follow what I always say: take a look at the colors of the print and pick one from there.


But since my boss (a.k.a. myself) is pretty understanding and lenient, I can pretty much wear whatever I want. No dress code for me! I just wore my top with a pair of shorts. No trousers! The heat nowadays is just insane! Just thinking about wearing pants is making me sweat. Well, not really but I’m sure you get my point.


Of course, I went crazy with the color-matching again–everything from my necklace to my arm candies down to my bag and shoes are all in yummy colors. With such a bright and bold print like this, it’s hard for me not to get color-happy. It’s practically calling out to me.


[button link=”” size=”small” bg_color=”#e5b3b9″ window=”yes”]Hype this look on here[/button]


Miss Selfridge shorts 


Fantasia top


Kikay Matters necklace


River Island belt


Marc Jacobs clutch Anagon “believe” and “smile” bracelets Peaches On Top green bracelet | Tomato gold bracelet (part of  set) | H&M blue/gold bead bracelets SM Accessories gold rings (on left and right middle fingers) Mango gold ring (on index finger)


Feet For A Queen heels

Btw, Feet For A Queen has a new website! Check it out here.

98 Responses to “Brighter Days Are Ahead”
  1. lorns

    Very Nice. btw wat is thebrand & color of your contact lens?.. they seem good to waer

  2. Stephanie Marie

    I love how you mix inexpensive jewelry with more high end brands and make it looks so elegant and fun! Love love love your style!!

  3. Gladys

    Mahihiya ang araw sa pagiging colorful ng outfit mo, Miss…
    It’s really nice. Synchronized talaga ang kulay…

  4. Nini

    Pretty pretty top! Love your overall outfit! Very colorful!
    I wish I could pull off an outfit like that haha

  5. Kyla Mae Tan

    I see that you even matched your lip colour to your outift! Love it, Ms. Camille! You look stunning as always! And it’s been a while since I’ve left a message to you here, just wanted to say that your red hair is a nice change! How do you manage when your bangs get long, hurt your eyes and have to time to go to the salon? Mine are in an awkward stage, ugh.

    • itscamilleco

      Thanks Kyla! :) I always make time for them haha or I just sweep them to the side :)

  6. sarah

    You might find this compliment weird but I think your eye bags really suit you :) It’s as if it makes you look a lot cuter, they’re called “aegyo sal” in korean and some actresses even get surgery for it. HAHAHA

  7. Nina Morada

    Hi camille you’re so pretty on this pictures by the way what camera are you using?

  8. Nelayish

    The prints and colors are very positive to look at :) Nice one Ms. Camille!

  9. Palm

    Speaking of dress code. Am so glad that we started 2013 with such lenient revisions. When it was launched early this year, I began pulling out my sleeveless tops, see-throughs, and short skirts. I can now mix and match like how you do.Though not exactly at your level. :)

  10. Sephie Rojas

    I’m so in love with the colors! They make the dark skies look so much brighter! :D Even your arm candies remind me of actual candies, haha! Definitely channeling Summer vibes :)

  11. jarahdeguzman

    you’re so gorgeous! epitome of beauty. i hope i can wear something like that :)

  12. Christine Koay

    this look just brighten my day, Ms Camille! you look gorgeous as usual! and I love your bright pink lipstick! and also your Marc Jacob clutch! I love everything!! =)

  13. MJ Esperanza

    with the colors you had…possibly brighter days are really ahead “upbeat colors is next to positive vigor’s..God bless you.. Camille :)

  14. Rose Cruz

    Goodmorning Miss Camille! It’s a good way to start the day reading this post. Nakaka-goodvibes lang! :)

  15. JaneyJane07

    Summer na summer ang outfit na ito. Love d shoes! sana keribels ko rin magsoot ng ganyang heels hehe

  16. Colt Nava

    I love that even though your top has long sleeves yet it still reminds me of summer because of the colors :D

  17. eunice santos

    Hi cams, i just wanted to know, (although out of topic na kasi. LOL) where can i buy Celine bags here in the Philippines? I tried to check at Rustan’s and Shang, but to no avail T.T. or if it’s online, can you recommend trust-worthy online sellers?

  18. Dolly

    Love the colors so much. Oddly enough, the outfit reminds me of ice cream! I really love the way that you’re able to make so many colors work well together. Good job!

    • itscamilleco

      Now that you mentioned it, it does look like ice cream! Haha! :) Thanks Dolly!

  19. Katrin :)

    The first thing that came in my mind is that, your outfit looks soooo much like how Barbie use to dress up.
    Well you’re like Barbie too you know. The perfect girl <333 The only difference between you and her is that you're real and Barbie is plastic!! hihi

    Very pretty outfit! I LIKE IT A LOT! AS IN! GAAH ♥

    • itscamilleco

      Awww thanks Katrin! :) The print and colors do remind me of Barbie!

  20. Charmaine

    OMG!!!! *____* i super love everything. like you, I also love prints! it’s just so happy when you look at it. gahhh i love everything seriously =))) shorts is wow. pretty <3

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