Mellow Yellow


This is the perfect example of how accessories can take your look to a whole new level. Take a pretty dress like this one and make it even more beautiful by carefully selecting the best accessories to go with it. They don’t have to be a lot. They just have to be right. To make a simple dress look sophisticated, avoid going overboard with the accessories. Parang paghahanap lang iyan ng boyfriend (English translation: “That’s just like finding a boyfriend), quality over quantity. LOL!


[button link=”” size=”small” bg_color=”#e5b3b9″ window=”yes”]Hype this look at here[/button]


Urban Dressing dress


Chanel earrings


H&M hair cuff


SM Accessories necklace


SM Accessories belt


SM Accessories cuff and ring


Babydoll wallet bag


Sugarfree heels

118 Responses to “Mellow Yellow”
  1. Christine Koay

    You look gorgeous, Ms Camille! You really look good on every single colour you wear! =D And i agree with you that quality over quantity.. sometimes less is more.. the more, the better does not apply on all things.. =) and I love your heels..<3

  2. Gladys

    You look beautiful! Very elegant! (clap)
    I’ve read on the comments, yung nagtanong if you have a boyfriend. You replied ‘None’ and then a smile.Natawa ako dun. Perhaps I wasn’t expecting a smiley. Sa ganda mong ‘yan, walang nangahas?!! O.O

    Napansin ko lang na ang heels na suot mo dito ay kamukha nung heels mo na stradivarius at mango yata yung mga yun. Or is it just me?

    • Camille Co

      Haha mahirap ahasin kasi! :) LOL! Just kidding :) Yes medyo same style with my Mango pair :)

      • Gladys

        Watda! Mahirap ahasin?!
        Intimidated lang sila siguro sa’yo.

  3. beatrice gases

    I don’t know but you just have the magic to make everything look elegant :D

  4. Pat Hernandez

    You are really so pretty! I love this look (as always)! :) Too bad I can’t wear that shade of yellow because of my skin tone. Anyways, I find it funny that you’re wearing yellow and your background is Banana Republic. LOL :)))

  5. Yanshi

    Hala! Here too! I posted a comment here yesterday too, but it’s not here

    • Yanshi

      I think it’s because of that crappy host server grrrrrrrrr!!! I’m glad you decided to switch to a new one :)))) what i said on my comment was, i love it when you tie your hair like this. It shows your profile, your beautiful face hihihi!! i also think that yellow is a great color for your skin tone :) you glow in this color :))) love this outfit ❤ Elegant as always ❤

        • Yanshi

          I felt bad when i didn’t see my comment, i was really looking forward to your reply pa naman :(( hope no probelms na with the new server :)) thanks for always replying babe hihi :))

  6. Angelic Robles

    This look is SOLID GOLD! The bright yellow is so cheerful, and definitely head-turning. I like the lace- pattern cutouts on your dress. So dainty to look at. Your ivory-tone accessories make you look so ladylike, and they go well with the gold of your metallic pieces. Everything is a delight to the eyes, Miss Camille! :-D

    My favorite is your gold hair cuff– very Princess Jasmine! :-D

    • itscamilleco

      Haha! Princess Jasmine! Those were the days :) Thank you Angelic!

  7. Karen

    Speaking of Maxi Dress.. Is it advisable for petite girls to wear Maxi Dress? I’m 5′ .. cause I always wanted to wear one. Kaya lang pang matatangkad lang ata yun.

    Anyway, love your blog! :)

    • itscamilleco

      Look at Nicole Richie! She pulls off maxi dresses so well!

  8. Cazzy

    Ate Camille! May kanta ako para dito hehe since okay sa title ng blog na ito:

    ♫ I’m walking on sunshine! ♪

    Disregard na ibang parts nung lyrics!!! :D hehehe kireiiiiii~

  9. Charleen

    Your face structure and dress here reminds me of Spencer from Pretty Little Liars. <3

  10. samboy

    I adore this look Classy and sophisticated. Looking for more post:) more power Ms. Camille

  11. Lorna

    hi ms. Camille speaking of Boyfriend.. do you have a boyfriend na?? BTW you always inspire me to look good everyday.:D

  12. kyreen:)

    Hi! Please post a picture of yourself in your high school uniform! I would very much like to see it, I am also a Saint Jude graduate! :D that would really make my day! :)))

    • itscamilleco

      Haha! In fairness to our uniform, it’s quite fashionable! :)

  13. sam

    ang gandaaa!!!! ang dreamy ng effect! anong camera po gamit nyo?

  14. Dawn

    This is the perfect time to tell you that you are definitely brighter than the sun, (cue brighter than the sun by colbie caillat) lol! Love the sunshiny yellow dress. With regards to saying like its finding a boyfriend, is it why you are so choosy? Is it? Is it? Hmmm?

  15. Rose Cruz

    Ang fresh at sophisticated mo lang dito Ms. Camille! Pretty as ever. Heaven sent. :)

  16. Sha

    First time to comment but I’m always visiting your site for your style! So sophisticated! :)

    • itscamilleco

      Thank you Sha! Join the club! Keep commenting so that I can get to know you more too!

  17. paola

    amazing. i usually see that dress worn as a casual attire, but it looked like a whole new ensemble because of how you accessorized. and of course, as always, in a very classy way. :)

    • itscamilleco

      Thank you Paola1 The wonders that accessories can do! :)

  18. Jonel

    your face in the last photo is so divine. :) oh, I always love your style! This one works perfectly at our office. Cheers!

  19. Apple

    Love your style and your creativity. I showed your blog to my 2 daughters and my niece as well to inspire them and get ideas on clothes and styling. If only I have the same built as you, hahaha. Hope you can also style some hmm, shall we say chubby readers, like me, lol. Keep it up, Camille!!! God bless!

    • itscamilleco

      I’d love to try styling for chubby girls! :) Maybe some day! :) Thank you for sharing my blog to your daughters and niece. I’m so flattered! :)

  20. Apple

    Love your style and your craetivity. I showed your blog to my 2 daughters and my niece as well to inspire them and get ideas on clothes and styling. If only I have the same built as you, hahaha. Hope you can also style some hmm, shall we say chubby readers, like me, lol. Keep it up, Camille!!! God bless!

  21. Mae Selisana

    speaking of boys po, do you have suitor/s right now Ms. Cams?:)

  22. maebs

    Classy and elegant look once again you pull off. Ang ganda ng dress and the back its sexy. :-) btw’ yung kay taylor swift thingy ay may resemblance po talaga kayong dalawa. Ganda nyo po talaga. :-)

    • itscamilleco

      I really can’t see it, aside from the bangs, parang wala naman. But of course, kung ipipilit niyo, hindi na ako kokontra because she is gorgeous haha! Thanks Maebs! :)

  23. Crixa

    I look forward to your posts everyday. I get sad when there are days that you don’t post. I know, I’m sensitive like that Haha. You look beautiful as always. Really classy. ~

    • itscamilleco

      Haha! Awww I try my best to post one. It’s just that sometimes, I really can’t find the time to do because of so much work!

  24. Sephie Rojas

    I think it’s the first time I saw you wear a mustard yellow dress :o It looks so cute~!! And the wallet bag is so adorably innovative :D

  25. esi

    Nagpintas nga balasang! (That’s Ilokano for a very beautiful lady!) #girlcrush

  26. Dimitri Gee

    This outfit is great. The colors are perfectly matching – the wallet bag with the shoes and the belt. And the dress with the necklace. Gold also – hair cuff, earrings, ring, bracelet and the heels of the shoes. Every detail is perfect! Nice!

    Enjoy ;)
    Dimitri Gee (

  27. Anaivilo

    I can’t believe I ave a similar necklace like yours! O.O Beautiful dress indeed, it looks amazing with all those details :D

  28. dionne

    hi miss camille..nice dress ,your beautiful as ever ,love your nail polish:)

  29. john

    I wish many filipina would have the confidence to dress up like you and other pinays/pinoys would accept, fashion as a way on how they approach the aesthetics of their own lives. As well as the men per se.

    getting rid of the; “may party ba?” “san ang debut?” attitude.

    I’m a first time reader of your blog and i love it. I’ve been scanning the rest of your posts. admitting that I’m like a Kanye West who is into fashion very much. now that i got inspired to create my own men’s fashion blog(hopefully) lol.

    would you mind sharing your favorite lens of all in taking your wonderful pictures?

    • itscamilleco

      I wish for the same as well. I think we’re getting there, slowly but still, at least we ARE getting there. It’s all a state of mind really. Just dress for yourself. If you dress for yourself, you won’t care what other people will think. And if you don’t care, they’ll eventually get tired of “judging” you. Right? :)

      Go for it! Start your blog! I always use my 50mm F/1.4 lens :) Hope this helps!

  30. Winchell G.

    You’re so pretty Camille. You’re my idol :) I asked my mom to check your blog and she’s now your biggest fan.

    • itscamilleco

      Awww that’s so cute! I love mother and daughter readers! :)

  31. jam

    took me a while to access this post. haha. i like your nails. it goes well with the whole ensemble :)

    • itscamilleco

      I knooow! My server failed me as usual :) But we’re working on it! Thanks Jam!

  32. nikka

    hi po ms.cams, i’m checking your blog again and as expected, you never fail to amaze me with how you style things up. ang ganda niyo po dito. sa bisaya pa GWAPA. Yan napo tawag ko sa inyo ngayon, miss gwapa… ★

  33. Hazel Joy Jimenez

    you look so chic elegant and timeless all at the same time.. really love this!

  34. Leah

    Hi again, ate Camille! :) Just wanna ask a random question – does an ankle-length maxi skirt only fits a beach/summer event or can it also be worn during regular days? :) Hoping for your kind response. Much love. <3

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