Blog Giveaway: Korean Rose Giveaway (CLOSED)

If you’ve been a long time reader of my blog then I’m sure you’ve seen me in Korean Rose clothes. If you haven’t, simply type the words “Korean Rose” on the search tab found on my sidebar to see all of my previous posts wearing their items like on the photos above.
KR caps
Korean Rose is an online store that sells Asian-inspired fashion at very affordable prices. They have all the trendiest pieces from K-Pop style snapbacks to edgy bags to sky-high heels to the cutest clothes. They even sell matching mother and daughter outfits! Adorable!
If you love Korean Rose‘ items, then you’ll love this giveaway even more. Korean Rose is giving away PhP 3000 worth of GCs to one lucky reader! Are you interested? Here’s how you can join:
  1. Follow me on Twitter and Bloglovin’. If you don’t have these accounts, it’s easy to make one!
  2. Like Korean Rose on Facebook and follow @MyKoreanRose on Twitter.
  3. Leave a comment below with your Facebook and Twitter names.
  4. Tweet this: “I want to win Php3,000 worth of gift certificates from @MyKoreanRose on ! #ItsCamilleCoGiveaways” No need to tag my Twitter handle.

Contest is open to everyone. Deadline for entries is on September 22, 2013 at 11:59PM. I’ll be choosing the winner via and announcing who it is here on the comments section below. Please be reminded to submit one entry only.

Good luck everyone!

359 Responses to “Blog Giveaway: Korean Rose Giveaway (CLOSED)”
    • Ellen May

      Ay, parang di ata lumabas yung details ko?
      FB: Ellen May Bardinas
      Twitter: @misty07maze

  1. Yvonne Barayuga

    Facebook : Yvonne EB (Shaneekah Vanne Davis)
    Twitter : @shekynahdeeneda (shekynah deene davis)

  2. Yvonne Barayuga

    Facebook : Yvonne EB (Shaneekah Vanne Davis)
    Twitter: @shekynahdeeneda (shekynah deene davis)

  3. Maria May Ochea

    Facebook: Maria May Amolo Ochea
    Twitter: @itsMAY89

    Thanks for the giveaway Miss Camille! :)

  4. Ann Loraine Villanueva

    FB Name: Ann Loraine Villanueva
    Twitter Account: @mynameisRAINE11


    facebook name : pathumavathy ramanathan
    twitter : not in twitter (sorry about that)
    looking forwars for a good news..thanks alot

  6. aj lizardo

    FACEBOOK: aj bautista lizardo
    TWITTER: @ajbutterfinger

    hope i win this one camille! xoxo

  7. Ruth

    YOu should be their brand ambassador here!! And u look gr8 w your long hair ..

    FB: Ruth Margaret G. Tiangco
    Twitter: #ReynaHadassah

  8. Elena

    Hello from Romania! Your blog is one of my greatest source of inspiration since I started following you one year ago. Wish you good luck and succes in everything you want!:)
    FB: Alina Morosan
    Twitter: @morosanalina

  9. Eilynn Charm M. Quiros

    Facebook: Eilynn Charm M. Quiros
    Twitter: @iheartcharmy

    P.S. Weeeee! I love Korean Rose!! ❤ The owner is super kind and professional plus all their items are fab. Hope to win this one! Thankeeeeee Camille! :)

  10. Alexandra

    Wow what a great Giveaway *-*

    Facebook: Alexandra Rothbart
    Twitter: @1angellove1

  11. Leonore Bernal

    Facebook name: Aebee Bernal (
    Twitter username: @leonorebernal

  12. Patricia De Castro

    Facebook: Patricia Aynne De Castro
    Twitter: Patricia De Castro @patriciaynne

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