Blog Giveaway: Watch The Killers LIVE! (CLOSED)

I can not be more ecstatic about this!!! THE KILLERS ARE COMING TO MANILA!!!! I thought this day would never come. A few years back, I got my heart broken when The Killers cancelled their concert in Manila and rumors of disbandment spread. I thought I’d never get to watch ONE OF MY ALL-TIME FAVORITE BANDS live. Thankfully, God heard my prayers and He sent The Killers my way. (That sounds so wrong but I’m too happy to care!)


On Septemeber 26, The Killers are performing their best hits at The Smart Araneta Coliseum. If you’re as big of a fan as I am (I’ve got all their albums and have been listening to them nonstop since I got my tickets), then you’ll love this giveaway! The ever so generous SM Accessories is giving away 2 Upperbox A tickets to one lucky winner!!! Could that be you? Here’s how you can join!

  1. Follow me on Twitter and Bloglovin’. If you don’t have these accounts, it’s easy to make one!
  2. Like SM Accessories on Facebook and follow @SMAccessories on Twitter.
  3. Leave a comment below with your Facebook and Twitter names.
  4. Tweet this: “I want to win tickets to The Killers concert on ! #ItsCamilleCoGiveaways” No need to tag my Twitter handle.

Deadline for entries is on Sept. 24, 2013 at 11:59 PM. No multiple entries please. I’ll announce the winner the following day so check the comments section below by then! Good luck, everyone! And to my lucky winner, see you at the concert!

110 Responses to “Blog Giveaway: Watch The Killers LIVE! (CLOSED)”
  1. Camille Co

    Congratulations to Jamie Isabelle K. Arellano for winning this giveaway. Sent you a DM on Twitter! :)

  2. Diadem Anne Pacheco

    Hello Miss camille! Hope i’ll win it!

    facebook: Diadem Anne Pacheco
    twitter: @kookoocrown

  3. Mariel Montaniel

    FB: Mariel Montaniel (
    Twitter: @xtinemariel

  4. Stephie

    Facebook: Stephanie Tan
    twitter: steph_woah

    I got my rock concert outfit planned out already! weeee! Wishing myself luck! :D

  5. Maria Niskie C. Ferrer

    FB Username: Maria Niskie Caalim Ferrer
    twitter username: @marianiskie

  6. Harmony Valdoz

    FB: Harmony Valdoz
    Twitter: @harmonythehuman

    September 26 is my birthday and seeing The Killers live would be the best gift ever *wink wink :D

  7. Gala

    “Thankfully, God heard my prayers and He sent The Killers my way. (That sounds so wrong but I’m too happy to care!)”

    Prameez, Ms. Camille, ANDAMI mong mga memorable lines o “quotable funny quotes,” hehehehe.. i mean it in a positive way!!

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