Haji Lane

Here’s another new discovery my family and I visited during our trip to Singapore. My sister really wanted to shop at local stores so she researched about this charming little area called Haji Lane. It reminds me of Paris’ Le Marais except it’s the Asian version. If I were to compare it to a place […]


Singapore La

This is how many blog posts I have yet to blog. I’m coming home from Barcelona and I’m just about to blog about my trip to Singapore which happened 2 months ago. Gah! Singapore’s weather is much like my country’s–hot and humid. Problem is though, the airport and plane ride aren’t hot at all. So […]


Lady Spring

In a few hours, I’ll be flying back home to Manila and I can not be more excited about this. Don’t get me wrong, traveling to Europe is one of my favorite luxuries in life but with my unread email count now at 1,408 and more, add to that the nonstop text messages I’ve been […]
