Blog Giveaway: WIN A TRIP TO NEW YORK FASHION WEEK + Miss Selfridge & Aztec Bags (CLOSED))

This is it! This is my chance to finally attend New York Fashion Week for the first and probably only time ever in my life! chose 50 of their favorite bloggers from all over the blogosphere. Whoever gets the most votes gets to attend New York Fashion Week! Not only that, one of my lucky voters will get to come with me too! YES! YOU ALSO HAVE THE CHANCE TO GO ALL THE WAY TO NEW YORK and experience NYFW with me! Would you please be kind enough to help me win? Let’s help each other, shall we? :) Help me help you LOL! All you have to do is LOVE my photo and follow the simple steps here. If I win, I swear I’ll be the happiest girl ever! I mean it’s NYFW!!! As a designer, I can only imagine how this experience will inspire me even more!

[button link=”” size=”small” bg_color=”#e5b3b9″ window=”yes”]VOTE FOR ME HERE[/button]

Although I know I can always count on you  to vote for me out of sheer love as you’ve proven before (naks!) and out of your desire to go to NYFW, I still prepared a little something to thank you in advance, win or lose. (Puro na lang kayo give, kailangan may take din haha!) I’m giving 2 lucky voters either the Miss Selfridge envelope clutch in the photo above or the neon pink aztec print envelope clutch, also seen in the photo above. Again, I’m giving these away even if I don’t win the trip to NYFW. Ready for the mechanics?

  1. Follow me on Twitter.
  2. Join Fashiolista and follow me here.
  3. LOVE my photo here by clicking on the red heart.
  4. Tweet this: “I want to go to New York Fashion Week w/ Camille Co! LOVE her photo here & get the chance to win the trip with her too! “
  5. And tweet this too: “I want to win that Miss Selfridge clutch and aztec bag from #ItsCamilleCoGiveaways”
  6. Leave a comment below with your twitter name. No multiple entries please.

This contest is open to international readers as well. Voting for the Fashiolista/NYFW contest ends on August 29, 2012, 12 noon. This is also the deadline for entries for this giveaway. I will be choosing the winners for this giveaway via and announcing them via my Twitter. Just to clarify, if I do win the trip to NYFW, the voter who gets to go with me will be chosen by and not me.

Good luck to all of us! Fingers crossed! :)

430 Responses to “Blog Giveaway: WIN A TRIP TO NEW YORK FASHION WEEK + Miss Selfridge & Aztec Bags (CLOSED))”
  1. Erica Sobreviñas

    twitter username: @ecaiSinvincible

    hope you win ms. camille <3

  2. Kay


    Good luck Camille! You deserve to win. And I hope I can join you if you do :)

  3. emmrose villasfer

    i got my twitter username wrong.
    this the right one

  4. Danielle Mari Quico

    Twitter: @danichuuable

    Can I just say that you’re so generous it makes me cry? ;u; I really hope you get to NYFW. You deserve it. And I’m looking forward to the designs you make after being inspired by it, haha! (I look up to you as a designer/stylist more than anything. *o*)

    Much luck and love! <3

  5. Ann Hidayat

    I have completed all steps from 1-6 and my twitter name is @wannastayme and fb name is Hidayat Bezerk.
    Good luck on being selected to travel to NYC!!!!

  6. Katy M

    Good luck! I’d LOVE for you to win and for me to get to go with you!!!

    I follow on Twitter and did both Tweets as @katygmorris.

    I also follow you and hearted you on Fashiolista as katygmorris.


    katygmorris at gmail dot com

  7. Dana Tolentino


    I love this giveawayyy! Good luck to us!
    Hope you win Ms. Camille! :D

  8. Kaye aslarona

    Good luck! It’s also my dream to go to nyfw, it would be lovely if i could go with you :)

  9. Krysta


    Good luck Camille!:) You’re on the top of my bloggers list! Your style is so classy chic yet wearable…

    Stay fab!;)

  10. Priscilla

    It would be a great pleasure for me to go with you! I am a proud pinay! I hope you win and I hope to win also! ♥

    Priscilla Joyce Pardo

  11. pixeee

    Hi Camille!

    I hope you don’t mind that I keep adding or “loving” your photos on my fashiolista page. Your style is so unique and I super love the shoes!

  12. Alleyson Laurice R. Rabino

    twitter name: @alleysonlaurice

    goodluck cams! crossing my fingers for you and for me also :)

  13. Sherrie Mae Bautista

    @sherriemaebauti ———-<<< here's the correct one :)

  14. Andrea

    I voted for you.I hope you’ll win this and you’ll go to New York with one of your followers :D

  15. vernice gabriel


    HOPE YOU WIN! you deserve it. youre always so nice to your followers :)

  16. Samantha Tedesco

    Enter me, please :)

    I wish you’ll win! :)

  17. khuleen

    twitter name : @khuleenpacleb

    good luck miss camille, i hope that u will win in this contest..

  18. Gail

    joined fashionista for the purpose of only voting u ate camille:) but i think i fell inlove with fashionista :)

  19. Mary Bernadette Vargas

    Hope you’ll win this Ms. Camille :)

    Twitter name: @QueerMe1809

  20. Jeline

    aww, saw this is only for people 18 years and above huhu. i want to attend NYFW so bad!! it’s every fashion lover’s dream!!!

  21. Anne Kristia Ocampo

    I hope I win this time (fingers crossed) :) AnneKristia17

  22. Diana

    Hope I’ll be the winner so that I can come with you in NY :)

    Keep in Fab and Glam!


  23. Rhonalyn Reyes


    OMG NYFW! thats so huge :D I’m wishing you all the best ♥

  24. Joicellene

    You will surely win this thing Miss Camille!! Power voting for you! ♥

    Twitter name: @Joicellene

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