Love From Japan


You see this crowd? We’ve all been standing in line for at least 4 hours–just to taste fresh sushi from the best restaurants around Tsukiji market. Originally, we wanted to watch the bidding inside the market but in order to do so, you need to go there extra early. We got to the market around 4:30am already. You’d think that’s early enough but apparently, it’s not. The tickets for the bidding were already sold out! So to turn our disappointment around, we decided to go to the best sushi place in Tsukiji–Sushi Dai.


We stood in line for HOURS! I didn’t think there would be such a long line so early in the morning!!! Imagine, it was even raining that day.


It killed me to see the satisfied customers inside the restaurant. It felt like all that yummy sushi were so near, yet so far. LOL!


So when we were finally seated inside, it felt like I won an award! Haha! FINALLY! LOOK AT THAT TUNA!


Before going inside the restaurant, a waitress asked us to choose between their regular and special set. Standing in line for more than 4 hours tend to make you choose the latter. I don’t regret it though. The sushi I had at Sushi Dai were so fresh!


Bonus points because the sushi chefs here are actually jolly and not at all, scary and too serious for their own good.


After what felt like the longest morning of my entire life, my mom, sister and I headed to the Imperial Palace for some sightseeing (and outfit shots of course).


I was feeling a little hippie this day so time to whip out the crochet top and fedora hat combo.


PB&J crochet top | Wacoal corset | Tout A Coup jeans


Cotton On hat


Vintage belt worn as necklace | Forever 21 necklace 


Givenchy bag | SM Accessories black rectangle ring | The Ramp black/gold ring


Bershka boots


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139 Responses to “Love From Japan”
  1. Gladys

    It has been a really, really, REAAAALLLY long time since ang last visit ng jeans mo na yan dito sa blog mo. :D
    Hindi pa ganyan kulay ng buhok mo. Did you wear this na and just not posted it here or ngayon mo lang talaga isinuot ulit? Ooorrr, I am wrong?

    Your shots are magical (whew). Love the crochet top.

  2. jhay-cee

    I haven’t try sushi yet, I wonder, it’s that really good? :D
    I love your outfit, sexy and hippie. I spotted neon orange socks. hahaha. Cool. ( I’m one of your very observant reader. :D )

    xoxo jhaycee

  3. Christine Koay

    Love your outfits here, Ms Camille!!! I love your jeans & hat.. is it hot wearing corset the whole day? I’m not a sushi lover but looking at your picture makes me hungry again.. haha.. Imperial Palace are so beautiful!

    • itscamilleco

      Thanks Christine! Not at all. :) The weather was just right :)

  4. Shabrina

    Stunning! i love you jeans, it glows so well in the photos. If you don’t mind telling, what lens did you used in your photos? and did you edit them again? the’re all turned out vivid and fantastic ;)



  5. itscamilleco

    Why haven’t you!!! Keep reading then :) Thanks Kesly! Those 2 places are definitely on my list!

  6. Kesly Winona

    I’ve been a fan of you and your amazing looks for a while now and I have no idea as to why I haven’t been reading your blog! That aside, your look is amazing! I love that pop of red and hints of gold accessories <3 So obsessed with your fedora hat!

    P.S. I'm so jealous of you! I LOVE Japan! If memory serves, the people (that sells snacks) at Mt. Fuji and Tokyo Tower can speak many languages (I'm from Indonesia and I can say that they can speak Indonesian fluently!). So you should be fine if you have Takoyaki cravings :3

  7. Cazzy

    Ate Camille! Sugoku kawaii! :3 Hmmmm sushi sushi sushi love! :3 Nice shots! Nice outfit! Yummy treats! :3 Wish I could go there and see the Imperial Palace, and also visit Shinjuku, Shibuya, and Harajuku! Hmmmm… Tottemo urayamasshi… =_= I spy with my eyes, a cool, orange sock!

    • itscamilleco

      What’s Sugoku kawaii? :) Haha! Yes! You’re a good spy!

  8. peachie d.

    ms.camille, question lang,sa pinas mo po ba binili ung pandora bag mo? if yes, where? tnx tnx!

  9. Sharon

    I love Japan so much that Im always there every year since I finish grad school! You captured the beauty so well and of course I love your outfit :) May I ask what camera are you using for your shots? Its always awesome!

    • itscamilleco

      Thanks Sharon! I use Olympus OM-D EM5 :) Wow! EVERY YEAR? That must be so fun!

  10. Simone Paulo de Souza

    Oh!!!! I can’t believe, you’re in Japan!!! I’m crazy to go there!! I need to travel to Japan before I die! *o*
    Its a dream! What an amazing place! Incredible pictures! And you look gorgeous, as usual! I loved the red pants!

    Keep showin’ us more and more pix taken from Japan!

    I have a new post on my blog, check it out:

    • itscamilleco

      Thanks Simone! :) You’ll love Japan!! You really should visit it!

  11. Jasmin

    Great photos! Didn’t know you were in Japan, would’ve recommended a Japanese resto owned by my BF’s dad. Hehe. ;) Love your crochet top. Am glad you were still able to eat delicious Japanese food. (P.S. If you don’t mind answering, just wanted to know where you get your hair colored or if you can recommend a good place to get your hair colored. ^_^ )

    • itscamilleco

      Awww sayang! Kept tweeting about my trip! :) I love new restaurants to try!

      I go to Park Jun Salon :)

  12. Lourine Maulion

    The first time I tried sushi, I disliked it. But because of these, I may give it another chance. Hahaha. Nice top! Sexy but not exposing too much :)

  13. Carina

    hi cams! very nice outfit AS ALWAYS! :) can i have a favor? can i have an interview? i need it for our math project :) and i choose to interview a fashion designer and i chose you :”) pleaaase? it’s a matter or life and death because it’s math HAHAHAHAH! :D please ate cams! <333 *puppy eyes*

      • Carina

        yep! because we are talking about geometry na eh.. :) our teacher let us choose from achitecture or designing or anything that involves drawing and since wala akong kakilala your name snapped in my mind kaagad :D haha!
        and your the PERFECT person to be interviewd eh ksi magaling and you make money out of it :) isa din yun sa requirements haha! is it fine for you ate cams? ^_^ pweeetty pweaaaaase!

        • itscamilleco

          So sorry I can’t :( I’m crazy busy nowadays! So many interviews pa talaga to answer :)

      • Carina

        ikr? hahahaha! he asked us to interview kasi a person who is a designer or an architecture, then your name snapped into my mind! :) i really think your the PERFECT person cause your good at it and you make money out of it, and it’s one of the requirments. hihi <3 pleaaaaase ate cams just a few questions ^____^ Pretttttttttttyyyy pweaaaaaaaseee! *puppy eyes*

        • Carina

          ^ i’m REALLY sorry for this i thought i didnt sent the reply successfully that’s why i did another one hahaa -__- sowwwwwwy :)

        • itscamilleco

          Haha! Thanks talaga but I still have so many pending interviews here that I haven’t answered :(

  14. Meljohn Laquindanum

    OM. The food must be really good, 4 hours of waiting? Kaloka. Btw, what’s the color of your hair Camille? I so love your posts :) Keep up the good work!

    • itscamilleco

      Super! It’s supposed to be red but it faded already :)

  15. dong olmedo

    Never been to Japan and this is my longest dream…it was a “journey” looking at your photos ,though. A little “bitin” but just the same, a wonderful tour via your fashion blog. Thanks, Mango girl!

  16. jymiely

    whenever I look at your blog, I’m learning to envy so much heheh!

  17. Sheryn

    Hi Camille,
    Do u hire a tour guide for your trip? I dont like to follow tour group, but I dont speak japanese either. Perhaps a private tour guide is good, but not too sure how much it cost. Hope to get your advise. :)

    • itscamilleco

      Hi Sheryn! Nope we didn’t :) We just toured on our own :)

  18. Dhes Borja

    Yay!! the sushi looks really fresh and yummy!! And oh I was kinda shocked to the fact that the Japanese can wait a lot of hours waiting for that awesome resto to open,,nakakahiya for some Pinoys just like me na Filipino time haha..anyways..your oputfit is soo astig! the color of your jeans, it matches the vibe of your crochet top and your hat i totally love it!..and oh I almost forgot love your boots ♥

    • itscamilleco

      Thanks Dhes! :) I guess if it’s good, people are willing to wait :)

  19. Kate

    i’m glad you got to get your sushi, even if you had to wait! I love the outfit too, effortlessly chic <3

  20. Mae

    Gorgeous as always! I love that you can still pull off black even when it’s summer time! :)

    Just one question po… I know this is your blog, I mean it’s called itscamilleco haha, pero have you ever thought of maybe featuring someone like your mom or sister as blog niyo? I’m just really curious how your family dresses too especially since you talk about being inspired by your mom even at an early age. Maybe take outfit shots together when you’re traveling? Just curious po :D

  21. Angelic Robles

    Those are JEANS?! Your pants look like velvet! (Golly, I am such a nerd…) Anyway, This post reminds me of many vintage photos that I’ve seen — kudos to your photography style as well!

    Your accessories were the touch of modern for this very vintage-looking ensemble. I like how you turned the gold belt into a necklace.

  22. Colt Nava

    The little OCD in me was screaming “your bag’s zipper is half open! Beware of sticky bandits out there!” lol Anywayz, back to a safer note, I love the whole ensemble and I especially love the orange socks peeking at the very last photo ;)

  23. Pat Hernandez

    I spy neon orange socks! am I right? haha. wow! The Imperial Palace is so pretty! you need to pay entrance fee, right? around how much? and the fooood. argh. made me so hungry! haha. :))) I can’t wait for your other Japan blog posts! :)

    • itscamilleco

      No entrance fee :) And yes, I have neon orange socks on haha! :)

  24. pinckyfiona

    Nice outfit :) beautiful You as always i also love japan country :) for having nice climate and places to go :D

  25. Aleigna Tejada

    I always, always love your travel posts. Parang dinala mo kami lahat sa Japan but didn’t have to spend a single cent while at it. :)

  26. Reena

    I LOVE JAPAN I wanna go there!!! AAAAGHHH tulo-laway talaga ang sushi! *criiiiiiieeees*. Sea urchin ba yung yellow thing na yan? I tasted that once and parang seafood mangga yung flavor. hahaha… weird. They also have these candy making sets na pwede kang gumawa ng mga mini burgers (that tasted like the real thing), and other fun stuff. You get to play with your food talaga. Haaaay…

    I have a black crochet top in my closet and because of this post, I now know how to style it! Thanks Cams!!! More Japanese food porn pleaseeeeee!!! ;) <3

  27. Sephie Rojas

    WAAAAH!! SO jellyyy!! I might cry the moment I first eat sushi in Japan ;___; It’s like “Oh glorious moment that I have been waiting since I was a child!” lolz drama! But seriously, it’s like a DREAM! I could eat sushi everyday if my wallet permitted me to do so, hahaha! I wish we had Japan weather here. Mas masarap siguro mag outfit shots in Intramuros if it weren’t so hot and humid @_@

    • itscamilleco

      Me too! I love sushi. Actually, I love Japanese cuisine as a whole :) Oo nga, if only cooler dito

  28. Tasha D.

    Sana when you are abroad you take pictures of cute, fasyown guys! Yung parang stockholm street style o kaya Jak and Jil lang ang peg! haha! Tapos karirin mo yung detail shots. Detail shots somewhere around their “masculinity” you know… haha! hay nako. If only I travel abroad as often as you, ganyan ang peg ko, Tommy Ton of Jak and Jil. Yun nga lang off limits ang “detail shots” sa mga girls. Boys only! At may naisip na akong site URL. BULGEHUNTER.COM chos! haha! Lakas maka-porn. bet ko na din yung FELIX-BAKAT-GOES-INTERNATIONAL.COM para may touch of pinoy gay culture parin. haha!

    • itscamilleco

      I kept trying! Trust me! Pero lagi akong delayed! Whenever I’m ready naman, walang dumadaan na fasyown! Not the detail shots though haha. Wholesome ngaaaaa! :)

  29. Hazel Joy Jimenez

    OMG.. the shots look so nice.. japan is soo beautiful.. hope i can visit it too.. ^_^

  30. elaine g.

    if i was in your shoes, that wouldn’t made my day, Camille. it will not. I’m guessing you have already practiced that patience for a very loooong time. waking up early in the morning hoping to get tix for the bidding but unfortunately it was sold out even before you arrived then you came with an idea to taste that fresh sushi unfortunately again you have to wait for 4 hours. what is wrong with the world. LOL kidding.

    • itscamilleco

      Haha I knooooow! But ypu know what they say, you need to work hard for the good things in life haha!

  31. Dan Urmaza

    If I’m not mistaken, those pants were the same pants you wore to the blog post ‘I’m Wearing David’ right? I’m so observant haha!

  32. Angeli

    Ooh! I see a pop of neon there! :) Anyway, I’m IN LOVE (all caps para dama mo!) with your outfit!!! So cute!!!! :)

  33. Jaztine

    i’m feeling the hippie vibe! love it ms camille! & ur pics in the imperial palace are spectacular..

  34. Lea

    Just a thought, did anyone there thought you were japanese? coz you can look like one! :)

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