I’ve just arrived from Barcelona! And as expected, I came bearing gifts, well actually, just photos. So here are a few of them taken on the first day of my trip. Look what greeted me when I got to my hotel room! Thank you Mango! And thank you for making sure my stay in Barcelona […]
MoreLet’s Play
It’s easy to style this outfit in a much more “mature” manner. You know, classic pumps instead of wedges, the usual dainty bracelets and conventional ladies’ watch instead of my quirky accessories and neutral colors as accents instead of contrasting ones. But while I’m still young and can get away with it, why not have […]
MoreFlashing Lights
A few days back, I was fortunate enough to be styled by international celebrity hair stylist, Barney Martin for the the world’s best conditioner, Pantene. So how did it go? You’ll just have to wait for my next post to find out! Har har! I’m such a tease. Anyway, on to my outfit. I was […]