Peach Perfect

It’s always a happy day in the world of shopping when I discover new brands. And since I’m a sharer, I’ll let you in on my online finds. You’re welcome. You’ve already seen one of them in my previous post. It’s the Korean shoe brand, Tandy. As you can tell from the pair of wedge sneakers […]


Travel Diary: Falling In Love With Seville

I don’t know how travel bloggers manage to not post a gazillion photos every time they blog about a city as charming as Seville. It took me another day to select these photos but I still ended up with 37 of them. Needless to say, you’re in for another one of my photo-heavy travel diaries. […]


Plaza De España

My friend Sandy and I wanted to squeeze another city in before we wrap up our Spanish escapade. Since we were already in Madrid, we decided to take a day trip to the beautiful city of Seville which is just 2 hours way by AVE train. Boy, was the trip worth it! Every corner of […]
