To Universal!

These crazy kids are ready to hit Universal Studios! It’s actually my second time to visit Singapore’s theme park so I’m quite prepared–cap, muscle tee, shorts and most importantly, a pair of sneakers and a bag that I won’t mind getting dirty! It’s time to bring out the kid in me once again! I don’t […]


Back In Singapore

I visited Singapore again! This time, I went with my friends during the F1 weekend. This is what I wore to the airport–which I regretted the minute I walked into the plane. You see, I only had around a little over 2 hours of sleep and was extremely sick then. I had a slight fever […]


Le Sweet

I received a sweet surprise in the form of a LeSportsac bag a few weeks back. It’s so sweet, it’s actually named Le Sweet! How adorable! How I wish those yummy candies on my tote bag are real! They look good enough to eat–scratch that–DEVOUR! If you’re wondering why my LeSportsac bag is candy-themed, it’s […]
