Ravishing Red

As you look through my photos on this blog post, you’ll notice that I’m looking away in most of them. As much as I would like to say that  I was just emoting to death to get points for drama and overall impact, this wasn’t the case. Brilliant old me decided to take photos while […]


Rocking My Red Boots

Warning: Do not sit on the ground when the sun is high. Your butt cheeks may get burned. I should know. LOL! The genius that I am thought sitting on the ground would look cool for my outfit post. When I sat down, I screamed in pain. Laureen, who was taking my photos, couldn’t help […]


High & Mighty

A few months back, I had a shoot arranged by Infinite Flame Digital Solutions with L.A.-based photographer Louie Aguila at Fernbrook – Portofino, Alabang. I’ve already seen some of the photos from the shoot but before I post those, let me share with you a few of the shots I managed to take using my […]
