Bold And Bright

Bold and bright–that’s how I describe this dress. The print and colors are just so out there, you don’t really need to do much with this dress to get noticed. Its simple silhouette and design are more than enough to offset the loudness of the print. Speaking of which, doesn’t the print remind you of […]


Four Seasons

While the rest of the world are starting to bundle up in their furry hats, wool coats and cashmere scarfs, I still get to dress like it’s still spring/summer. The only time I get to layer and dress for fall/winter is when I travel to a country with cold weather. But seeing all these fall/winter […]


A Day In Bangkok

My view from the sky! Before heading back to Manila from Phuket, my friends and I decided to stay in Bangkok for a day and a half. Coming from the beach, all relaxed and rejuvenated, we were definitely ready to take on the metropolitan lifestyle once again. And here we are! Touchdown, Bangkok! It’s been […]
