Hello, Iloilo!

A few weeks ago, I made a sneaky escape to Iloilo with my friends for a weekend. It was my first time there so I was really excited. We didn’t really do a lot of touristy things since we just wanted to relax and get away from the city. But boy, was our weekend fun! […]


Blog Giveaway: Win This Red Tote (CLOSED)

Before we talk about this latest giveaway, let me say something about my outfit first. I know, I know. You really want to know how you can score this red tote. Hold your horses! This will be quick. I promise! It’s already been a habit of mine to raid my mom and my sister’s closets […]


Makeup Room

These photos were taken on the day I missed out on seeing my dear husband Adam Levine. If I made it to his press conference, it would’ve been the 3rd time I saw him in person. Being married to a rock star is a hard life, I know. LOL. Enough of fairy tale land before […]
